glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 02, 2009 10:14 pm (Chapter 6)

I understand that she's cagey and her past has left her a little fucked but damn, ease up a little woman. He's not asking if you can donate a liver to him haha.

have i told you lately that i love you? you fill my heart with gladness...take away...okay shutting up now. 


Author's Response: Yes, she's pretty darn tense! *eep* I can't wait for you to read the upcoming chapters. Gonna try to get them up this weekend.

Vikki (Signed) on Dec 02, 2009 10:11 pm (Chapter 6)

"Are there any left? We were a little experimental last night." JC laughed, appreciating her more every second that he knew her. There was nothing like a woman that was sexy and had no problem letting it show-turned him on like a light switch. "You're somethin' else, Shelby girl. What are you doing for the rest of your life?"

*guh* looooove.


It would have to wait. She had a TV to go pick up

I LOVE her... I have no idea why, but I do lol!



Author's Response: These two crazy kids. They don't even know what they're getting into!

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Dec 02, 2009 09:55 pm (Chapter 6)
I am sooooo far behind in my reviews! Let's see if I remember my reation to this chapter.... Ah Yes! I was excited about the prospect of them playing pool together, very good activity for flirting if I do say so myself. And I am still waiting for Shelby to open up more!

Author's Response: Reviews are awesome, but as long as you're reading, I'm HAPPY! Just drop me a line or two when you get a chance. No rush!

Eva (Anonymous) on Dec 02, 2009 04:17 pm (Chapter 6)

His dick twitched! YAY! You did it! And you left it in!

I'm beaming with pride! *g*

Author's Response: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Yeah. I definitely broke some boundaries w. this story. Proud of myself. May never do it again, but I did it! LOL.

grishy (Signed) on Nov 26, 2009 08:13 pm (Chapter 6)

 I have to agree with your idea of putting on hold to Serena and JC while you write this pair, cause their are whole new universe for me, and I want to keep it that way, so not mixing worlds rule! Just a thought...a game of pool?

And I have to ask about his corner in Rod's studio, for me it looks like a interrogation room...

THANKS for the update, is always great to have a het story to look forward.


Author's Response: Yeah.I'm getting a craving for some sweet JC/Serena love, though. My baby is feeling neglected!

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