grishy (Signed) on Dec 07, 2009 03:40 pm (Chapter 12)

glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 06, 2009 04:42 pm (Chapter 12)

Okay I understand that it's a lot of information to process at once and all but um, if he's falling for her shouldn't the fact that some random stranger who made it a habit of running to the press to slander Shelby maybe tip him off that this isn't the most reliable source? or that he should, you know, talk to Shelby and get her side of it?

Boys are dumb. Harumph. 

Author's Response: Yes, boys ard dumb. And I decided that instead of calling her, he'd do what most men would do, and that's nothing. Leave it up to her to work things out, or try to figure it out on his own before talking to him-- because she'd shot him down so many times before.

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Dec 04, 2009 08:15 pm (Chapter 12)

Holy crap! That is not how I expected him to learn about Shelby's past. I really wish it would have been her to tell him, but I think that is asking too much of Shelby. I feel bad for both of them. I think in this situation it would be better for JC to run before he gets in even deeper, but he wouldn't be the character I think he is if he did that. I seem him sticking it out... now I guess I will just have to wait!

Update soon please please please! 

Author's Response: I told our friend that I LOVE your reviews! You always seem emotionally invested in the story, which is the greatest compliment! I'm working on finishing up the rest-- it's gotta be perfect for my readers!/nerd. LOL. Can't wait for everyone to read the ending!  Thank you!!

meggie (Signed) on Dec 04, 2009 06:15 pm (Chapter 12)

UGH!!!  i'm addicted to this. this is my crack!! damnit look what you've done to me!! i need more nooooooooooooooow


ok thanks! hahaha

Author's Response: HAHA! Well that makes me feel good! I can only write so fast!

musicmel (Signed) on Dec 04, 2009 10:20 am (Chapter 12)
Talk about a cliffhanger... whoa. I have an idea of what happened to Lucas but I wont say, just yet.

Author's Response: We'll just see if you're right!

Jaimie (Anonymous) on Dec 04, 2009 12:16 am (Chapter 12)

AHhhhhh!!!!!!! It starts getting really really juicy and then nothing more? How could u ;) lol. Please please update soon! I read this in one sitting...ADDICTIVE!



Author's Response: *rubs hands together in evil fashion....*

Vikki (Signed) on Dec 03, 2009 11:36 pm (Chapter 12)

 He just had no idea how to let her go, when he wanted so badly to hang on.

DONT! don't let go JC! *begs*

 I cannot imagine that she shared any of this with you. I fear, then, that this duty falls to me.

NO! No it does NOT Melina! OMGSTFU!

He probably never wanted to see her again. She didn’t blame him. Not one bit.

oh Shelby woman, will you learn to have some FAITH in the guy. Problemo numero uno from the beginning geez luise.

 He liked his Shelby better.


Stick around, and not abandon her because she doesn’t have a rosy past, and make her let him help her.

Good JC. Glad we have an understanding.


Author's Response: Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. Your reviews are awesome. Good we have an understanding! LOL.

azchickadee (Signed) on Dec 03, 2009 11:03 pm (Chapter 12)

dun, dun, dun...the plot thickens!  lol...I hope he's willing to be open-minded and at least let Shelby explain her side of the story.

Author's Response: The plot thickens indeed. I bet he regrets asking so much.

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