Lionsheart (Anonymous) on Jul 14, 2011 11:23 am (Chapter 5)
Wow, I love it. Liz needs the boot. I kind of hope that jc and Ella team up to keep her On the show and shove it in liz's face. I would be so happy about that.

azchickadee (Signed) on Apr 28, 2010 12:01 am (Chapter 5)

uhm, I know I've said this before but, I freakin' love you and this story!  This chapter was great!!  So much going on and very descriptive.  I could see everything playing out like a movie in my head.  It's hard to find really well-written fan fiction sometimes.  I've read a lot and this is very well written in my opinion :) 

I loved meeting Tanya.  I like her and I'm curious to learn more about her and why she didn't have to audition to be on the show.  That was an interesting little tidbit you threw out there...hmmm...

Liz bothers me.  I mean, who in there right mind would be okay with pimping out JC?!  lol...if I were dating that man there is no way in HELL I would even think of doing something like this!  But, I'm glad she's doing it, cuz otherwise we wouldn't have a story!  LOL

The end killed me.  Can you say cheesy?  lol...that "script" he had to memorize and then say made me roll my eyes.  hahah...can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve for this story!  Keep up the awesome job you're doing!!  :)

Author's Response: ahh! words can't even describe how great you just made me feel! lol thanks so much and i'm SO happy you're enjoying the fic. i love how the story is playing out in your head like a movie because as i write, i imagine it the same way in my head the possibilities! lol. thanks so much for reviewing, stay tuned!!! :)

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