Comments For Broken Wings
glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 20, 2009 03:30 pm (Chapter 5)

I don't know why I keep seeing Nate as Tim Hutton in my head, but I do.

Anyway, hooray for some clarification! This is some fucked up little cycle they've gotten themselves into, isn't it? haha 

Love it, as per. 

Author's Response: I have no idea who that is... *goes to Google*. Yeah, I was thinking Alan Rickman but he would fit the bill too. Asnd yes, you know fucked up is my speciality lol

meggie (Signed) on Dec 20, 2009 02:08 pm (Chapter 5)

alright, i went back and reread this whole thing today because i must be braindead and not able to follow or something. but now it's all making sense and i'm following. hahaha so with that said, do me a favor, please don't kill justin for a 9th time. that would make me sad.

i mean, we pick on that poor guy enough. let's let him live. lol

Author's Response:

I don't think it's you, that chapter was just designed to make all the previous cryptic crap and half-info make more sense *lol*

No promises on the Timberlake survival...

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