Comments For Broken Wings
katethegreat (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 02:44 pm (Chapter 16)

woman... i was up until like five thirty in the morning reading this, finally had to stop and finish the rest today.

and holy crap... it's addicting! i feel like it should be a tv show on the sci-fi channel. 

i love the bond between charmain and the others. i love, love, love justin and the freaking out.

oh, then there's kellan lutz/ zac. he makes me so very happy.

alright... i want more. now. 

Author's Response: Five thirty? You nutter. It would have still been there in the morning you know!!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 12:55 am (Chapter 16)

Hmm...interesting that they weren't dead when they became immortals. Was not expecting that.

Oh, and people who call me bossy clearly need to be introduced to Charmian, harumph.

Author's Response: God, i can just imagine you after a few centuries to hone the madness. Good job immortals don't actually exist...

meggie (Signed) on Jul 04, 2010 03:20 pm (Chapter 16)

i love how she says 'walk and dinner?' like she was asking him the time of day. lol  i'm starting to get a hero/girl crush on charmian.

and again, more lucas. he's OH so very very pretty. can we make him shirtless for the rest of this?!? my mind just went to a very dirty place. sorry. 

Author's Response: if you want him shirtless just watch the first couple of series of the Tudors. He's very often nekkid!!! *beaming grin*

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