Comments For Broken Wings
katethegreat (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 02:44 pm (Chapter 16)

woman... i was up until like five thirty in the morning reading this, finally had to stop and finish the rest today.

and holy crap... it's addicting! i feel like it should be a tv show on the sci-fi channel. 

i love the bond between charmain and the others. i love, love, love justin and the freaking out.

oh, then there's kellan lutz/ zac. he makes me so very happy.

alright... i want more. now. 

Author's Response: Five thirty? You nutter. It would have still been there in the morning you know!!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 12:55 am (Chapter 16)

Hmm...interesting that they weren't dead when they became immortals. Was not expecting that.

Oh, and people who call me bossy clearly need to be introduced to Charmian, harumph.

Author's Response: God, i can just imagine you after a few centuries to hone the madness. Good job immortals don't actually exist...

meggie (Signed) on Jul 04, 2010 03:20 pm (Chapter 16)

i love how she says 'walk and dinner?' like she was asking him the time of day. lol  i'm starting to get a hero/girl crush on charmian.

and again, more lucas. he's OH so very very pretty. can we make him shirtless for the rest of this?!? my mind just went to a very dirty place. sorry. 

Author's Response: if you want him shirtless just watch the first couple of series of the Tudors. He's very often nekkid!!! *beaming grin*

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jun 15, 2010 01:57 pm (Chapter 15)

hahahaha aw, poor Lucas, surrounded by all the moody women.

and i love you for referencing macbeth - it's my favorite! 

but i would like more anton, por favor. and no i haven't seen vampire diaries cause it looks like i would wanna kill myself watching it. not even the pretty is compelling enough.

but i love this, and you, and i demand more right this instant. harumph! 

Author's Response: Shame, because Damon is not entirely dissimilar to Anton. Only Anton's much more of a bastard. And Ian = pretty.

meggie (Signed) on Jun 12, 2010 09:57 pm (Chapter 15)

good to know you kicked your writers block ass. i was started to get worried it had you tied to a chair or something.

oh, yeah, i still love this and i want more. and i maybe love lucas. a lot. 

Author's Response: HAHAHAHA that mental image...

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 03, 2010 12:10 am (Chapter 14)
Hmmm...but they didn't feed justin some bogus story. He really isn't as smart as he likes to think he is. Update soon. :o)

Author's Response: They probably would have, had they not unfortunately been rumbled lol. Thank for the review hon

glowbug917 (Signed) on May 16, 2010 05:32 pm (Chapter 14)
I like that we're finally getting into Anton's head a little bit. So he's obviously not as minor a nuisance as was implied...and I'm trying to dislike him, really, but between getting annoyed at having to deal with idiots and you putting Ian Somerhalder as a face (my word, Boone is pretty) I just sort of love him.

Author's Response: Is Ian just not the prettiest *sigh* Do you watch Vampire Diaries? he's delightful as Damon

MochaB (Signed) on May 06, 2010 11:39 am (Chapter 13)
Finally caught up! I feel bad for charmian. She loves matthew so much and then he...well justin calls her a freak and was scared out of his mind of her. But I understand how and why he was obviously, so his reaction isn't crazy, but still. But I'm hoping they talk to each other soon and charmian can let him know she's not to be feared and all of them are definitely only there to help. He's taking things so well so far though I think even if he is skeptical. Update soon! :o)

Author's Response: Here's hoping those crazy kids sort it out soon...

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Apr 23, 2010 08:07 pm (Cast list)
Anton...Ian Somerhalder (I dont think I spelled that right. I should have just spelled Damon Salvatore) Sexy! And Lucas, Dang. I like the visual now! LOL

Author's Response: Henry Cavill and Ian Somerhalder are on my list of future husbands

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Apr 23, 2010 08:04 pm (Chapter 13)
Its crazy how addicted to this story I am. I'm loving it girl! I can't wait to see how this all comes full circle!!

Author's Response: Aww, thanks hon

Glow (Anonymous) on Apr 22, 2010 11:44 am (Chapter 13)

I had to re-read this cause first time it was 4am and my brain went mush.

Now I've re-read and look at you, actually answering things! it makes my heart warm.  

oh, also, ian mckellan? yes i love you forever and ever

Author's Response:

I always answer things. I'm never cryptic. *cough*

And Sir Ian McKellan rules. 

Nsyncilicous85 (Anonymous) on Apr 19, 2010 12:49 am (Chapter 13)
i absolutely love this!! keep it up, can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Thank you xx

Glow (Anonymous) on Apr 12, 2010 11:13 pm (Chapter 12)

I was going to get really clever and quippy about you finally answering questions and then I read this:


“You’re a Catholic priest; you’re in no position to make jokes about bedside manner.”


and I can't stop laughing so thank you, for that. 

Author's Response: Hahahaha, always good to know I can shut you up lol

meggie (Signed) on Apr 10, 2010 11:07 pm (Chapter 12)
I so love that I'm picturing Justin sitting in a chair, surrounded by these idiots and they're telling him all about demons and flaming swords. The image just makes my whole life.

Author's Response: Heehee, it's a little absurd innit?

meggie (Signed) on Mar 08, 2010 08:21 am (Chapter 11)

'My fucking date has a flaming fucking sword in her fucking hand'  BEST.THOUGHT.EVER.

after the worst day ever (really, all before 8:30 on monday morning) i get home to read that and that was made me stop crying. still the worst day ever but at least i stopped crying so thanks love.

Author's Response: Glad it helped xx

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