Comments For Door Prize
PharmDgrl11 (Signed) on Dec 12, 2009 02:10 pm (Chapter 1)
Yay!  I was excited when I saw that it's sort of a continuation of The Space Between!!  I always liked one ever gave him enough credit:-)

Author's Response: aww, thanks!  :)  you're right, Chris kind of gets looked over a lot of the time, but I'm beginning to find out there's more to the guy than meets the eye...

Vikki (Signed) on Dec 11, 2009 02:05 pm (Chapter 1)

that was her wasn't it! yaaaaay!

I love this! You knew I would so no surprise there but YES -  I LOVE!

and it DID pick up where I thought it did, I love that too! but its not so much where new readers need to go back and read the others but its nice to see for us readers who have been reading all along.

I really like Kristen, and Aime! And I think you're doing a FANTASTIC job with Chris! Can't wait to see what happens next :)

Author's Response: yea!  I'm glad you approve of Chris so far...we'll see if I can keep doing "fantastic" once we get a little more of his side of the story!  lol...and yes...that was her :)

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