Comments For Mad Season
Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Jan 11, 2010 06:18 pm (Chapter 4: The Arrival)
Hahahahaha! I sooo wanna a big famiy like that. I know, I know...I'm certifiable. LOL.

I can't wait to read what comes next.

Author's Response:

haha, i actually have a HUGE family, so the insanity seems to be coming quite naturally. which is a bit scary now that i think about it. lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

Author's Response:

haha, i actually have a HUGE family, so the insanity seems to be coming quite naturally. which is a bit scary now that i think about it. lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

MochaB (Signed) on Jan 09, 2010 12:39 am (Chapter 4: The Arrival)
this story is seriously hilarious. he cracked me up. after reading about his grandpa, mom, and brother (and of course justin) i feel like their whole family is full of a range of personalities. combine them and they'd make one schizo person, but instead they just make one big schizo family. lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

lmao yes! one big schizo family pretty much sums it up. haha.

thank ya my dear! tis greatly appreciated!!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jan 08, 2010 07:06 pm (Chapter 4: The Arrival)

hahaha I want gandpa to be my grandpa. Geez, well, i see why Justin's crazy. He def got the crazy from his family. LOL.

And uh oh! Ellie is softening towards him already. it's very minor, almost invisible, but it's there. haha. I so love this story. Update soon please.

Author's Response:

lmao yes... this family is full of insanity, much like my own.

haha yes.... pretty much invisible, but it's there... maybe. lol.

thank ya lady! mucho appreciated!

Jbear (Anonymous) on Jan 07, 2010 05:47 pm (Chapter 4: The Arrival)
So I am dying 4 her 2 meet his lil sister cuz Im thinking she is gonna b such a smart kid. Kinda like Jamie on One Tree Hill if anybody has ever watched the show u know what im talkin about! More plz!

Author's Response:

haha, i have never seen a single episode of one tree hill, so i have no clue. but... i do have plans for little maggie, so we shall see! lol.

thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton!

meggie (Anonymous) on Jan 07, 2010 03:54 pm (Chapter 4: The Arrival)

um....grandpa is my favorite.

she's getting sucked in now. that doesnt seem like its going to bode well for her plan of telling on him. stupid girl.


Author's Response:

lmao, two lines and he's already the favorite? you're so easy to please, but i still love you! haha.

umm... maybe... maybe not. haha.

thank ya my love! mucho appreciated!

Hollie (Signed) on Jan 07, 2010 07:19 am (Chapter 4: The Arrival)



I like Grandpa.

Author's Response: lmao oh yes... grandpa is going to be lots of fun!

AmberW (Signed) on Jan 07, 2010 02:51 am (Chapter 4: The Arrival)
Yay! An update...what movie did you watch that inspired you?

Author's Response:

lol it was this silly little hallmark channel christmas movie called Holiday In Handcuffs. Incredibly cheesy and lame, but the idea kinda stuck in my head and viola... this insanity was born. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jan 07, 2010 01:00 am (Chapter 4: The Arrival)

alright woman, get with the explaining as to why momma timberlake's all menopausal and shit haha.

ellie's thoughts on children are exactly the same as mine! which you know just makes me love her more. 

already think brady's a douchebag, but i was prepared for that. 

seriously, this is fast becoming my favorite. which you know means i need more like, right this instant. 

Author's Response:

lmao, isn't menopause explanation enough? But... if you insist...

haha well yes... children are creepy, so... yeah.

oh yes... big brother is a major douche, which makes him all kinds of fun to write.

haha yay!

thank ya lady! greatly appreciated!

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