Comments For Mad Season
meggie (Signed) on Apr 07, 2010 05:50 pm (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)

Ok, get out of my fucking brain!!! The whole 'walking like bambi in heels' things, i've said that!! not exactly like that but i've said it. i HATE HATE HATE when chicks wear heels and cant walk in them. i wanna yell at them!

enough about that. i really love that all these fuckers are NUTS!! not crazy like you and me, but like, really certifiable. i suggest they all seek help from atrained professional as soon as possible. i'm just throwing that out there as a thought. mull it over and let me know what you decide. 

Author's Response:

lmfao yes. quite possibly one of the most irritating/hilarious things ever.

haha yes... they are all completely and totally certifiably insane. which makes them all the more fun.

thank ya my dear! mucho appreciated!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 07, 2010 12:03 pm (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)

“Wha… why? I mean… hello… crazy guy kidnaps you… you’re given an opportunity to escape, go to the cops even, and you come back? Are we sure I’m the psycho here,

An uncharateristically smart question from the eedjit.


I love this though. Their dysfunctional little family is fascinating

Author's Response:

haha he had to have his moment... plus, it's way too fun getting ellie all annoyed and flustered.

oh yes, dysfunction at it's best, so woo!

thank ya lady! much appreciated!

Becca Lynn (Anonymous) on Apr 07, 2010 10:12 am (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)

I'm loving this! I hope you update soon, because I really really really want to know what happens :) I have a feeling they are going to fall in love before the end of the wedding and she won't be able to leave and press charges. 

 Great story so far! 

Author's Response:

haha who knows... i have several different ideas for where this may go, so we shall see! lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it more than you know!

MissTasha (Signed) on Apr 07, 2010 08:48 am (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)
Aaaaaaaww! That was nice of her. Justin's dad is a humongous asshole. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

haha yes, and yes.

thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Apr 07, 2010 12:25 am (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)

"I look like Bambi learning to walk for the first time.”"

I like you on drugs. You on drugs is hilarious. Not that I condone excessive use of drugs or anything but you should be on drugs all the time when you write! Oh wait, not condoning...ahem. 

Anyway, yes, Ellie's as insane as the lot of 'em but fuck if she hasn't become my favorite of all your characters.

Also, Justin's dad = douchebag

Author's Response:

lmfao for reasons i will never understand, this one is sooo much fun to write while under the influence of some type of substance. i don't get it. haha

aww yay! she is a very, very close second to madison for me, so woo!

haha well... yes. douchebag about sums it up.

thank ya lady! mucho appreciated!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Apr 06, 2010 11:45 pm (Chapter 8: The Sympathy)
Lol...great update! Ellie's thought process is funny! Update again soon!

Author's Response:

haha oh yes, she is a complete and total cyinc, thus making her loads of fun to write.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

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