Comments For Scars
azchickadee (Signed) on Feb 08, 2010 08:39 pm (Scars)

gah!  girl, you know how to write and pull at my heart-strings!  poor Justin...I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything will be okay.  Good for him for being strong and walking away! 

great one-shot!!  :)

Author's Response: Okay, it really makes me feel good I can give my readers some kind of emotion! That's what fiction does for me so I'm glad I can reciprocate :) And yes, vulnerable Justin is so easy to write. I think I need to start up a long one featuring him! I really appreciate your reviews, girl!

justinzgirlkb (Anonymous) on Feb 08, 2010 10:38 am (Scars)

This is great. I really liked seeing the tension between them and they way Justin was really struggling with his emotions, especially with all the ways she was trying to manipulate his feelings. Not to say that she was being intentionally manipulative, because it makes sense that she'd genuinely miss him after everything they'd been through. I think I just like that there's no real villain in this story because both sides are understandable. Too often, this type of story goes "someone cheated, tries to get back with the other person, only to be told that they can never be forgiven." I'm glad you changed it up. :) I really liked it--great job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading a reviewing. I felt that the song kinda spoke for itself. He's openly admitted it'd be hard to fall for her again, but in the end, he knows where it'd result to. I pictured Justin to be the perfect vulnerable character for this. Once again, thank you! It's good to know what people like/dislike :)

Tina (Anonymous) on Feb 08, 2010 07:35 am (Scars)
WOW that was beautiful. 

Author's Response: Thank you so much!

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