Comments For The Blame Game
NSYNC Lover (Signed) on May 19, 2012 10:23 pm (The Blame Game)
this made my day.

Author's Response: Hahaha I'm glad you liked it! I love digging through my crap in my parents basement and having a place to share the hilarity of it!

fastmelodic (Signed) on Mar 20, 2012 01:15 am (The Blame Game)
Oh, dear God! As much as I love Britney, I loooved this. She's such a stalker, haha! Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks! I found this and was like "this is gold! I have to share it with my NF friends!"

Amanda (Anonymous) on Aug 03, 2011 09:16 am (The Blame Game)
This was hilarious. I could not stop laughin haha. Good Job :)

Nsyncilicous85 (Anonymous) on Jun 18, 2010 07:05 am (The Blame Game)
omg girl I almost couldn't finish that...very comical haha :-) just what I needed

Author's Response: Thanks chica :)

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jun 17, 2010 11:39 pm (The Blame Game)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! this was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. wow, funny thing is that was such a flashback to back in the day when Nsync were together and Brit was in the mix. I see you didn't  like her but that's ok because most Justin fans didn't. I was neutral, simply because of all the hype that surrounded their relationship, I always felt if they ever fell off, it would be huge and I was right. Hell, Justin got solo success off his first album because of it. lol. Justin's 'tryna be ganster self' just made my night. haha. priceless.

Author's Response:

I was a total Britney hater back in the day-even for a JC fan LOL  Now, I can admit that I like some of her songs (they're way catchy) and I'm glad she's getting her life back in order...

Thanks for the review :)

azchickadee (Signed) on Jun 17, 2010 08:50 pm (The Blame Game)
ahahahahahaha!!!  omg!!  I'm seriously, rolling on the floor here!  That was AWESOME!  LOL...I'm getting the sense that you didn't really like Britney all that much. I mean, tell me if I'm wrong.....hahahaha...and Justin talkin' all gangsta?!  OMG!  rofl!!

Author's Response:

I was such a Britney hater when I was 15ish.  I'm a fan of her some of her music (it's ridiculously catchy) but as a person I'm glad she's trying to get back to normal...

Thanks for the review-by the way-I LOVE your stuff!  I'm patiently awaiting to read more about Madison and Justin LOL

musicmel (Signed) on Jun 17, 2010 08:15 pm (The Blame Game)

Justin: yo, dis aint crunk!

Britney: I had to keep my job!

  Bahahaha! I was dying at the quotes. OMG funny shit.


Author's Response:

Mel-I found this in the basement and was sitting on the floor dying of laughter and my dad was like "what's so funny" and I just couldn't explain to him since he just doesn't "do NSYNC". Once I found this and read it I knew it had to be posted.  There was no question about it...


ltaylor03 (Signed) on Jun 17, 2010 07:40 pm (The Blame Game)

El. Em. Ef. Ay. Oh.

Holy shit. 

If I hadn't of been in Panera I might have snorted out loud about a thousand times. This was HILARIOUS!

Ohhh Justin in his ghetto days. lol. Such a white boy. 

And poor Brit. Did you hate on the girl in this or what? HAHAHAHAHA. 

Nicely done!

Author's Response: Thank you LOL  I was such a Britney hater back in the day LOL  I loved this show and apparently I felt the need to put these two on it LOL

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