Comments For Yellow
heartsevolve (Signed) on Jul 06, 2010 09:43 pm (I Got A Feeling)


Their banter is ADORABLE and seriously it is my favorite part of any relationship, ever. And you do such a spectacular job with it! I cannot WAIT for more, they're already so cute...and omg what is gonna happen?! I'm so curious!


And this line, "Zooey hung her head a bit sadly, watching him rise from their comfortable little spot outside with absolutely nothing." was wonderful. especially the 'little spot outside with absolutely nothing.' I'm not sure why it resonated so much with me, but man, it did! :)

Update soon!

Author's Response: Omg, well thank you! I love you for reading! I definitely work on making the interactions simultaneously believable and entertaining, so I love that you appreciate it. I'll try to keep it up. Obviously, I can't tell you what's gonna happen, but if you keep reading, I promise to keep updating! And I like the "absolutely nothing" line, too. I put it in there twice so it would resonate, for whatever reason. I guess I was trying to emphasize the simplicity of it all... sitting outside in the parking lot, just talking. I dunno, I like it. I'm glad you did, too lol. Thanks so much for the review, babe!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 06, 2010 09:06 pm (I Got A Feeling)

OK.  I'll bite.  Actually, I'll more than've got me hooked.  (Blame my other half for the terrible fishing analogies!)

First, she's from Boston and that's kick ass. Secondly, you have this crazy, uncanny way of making your characters seems so authentic and genuine.  I almost want to believe that this is Justin's life.  So...more, please. :)

Author's Response: LOL no worries, I'll take whatever you give me. I'm glad you're hooked! And, I can't lie, I dislike most things involving Boston (like the Celtics and Red Sox), but it does seem like a pretty awesome city, so I thought Zooey could rock it. And secondly, omg I love you for saying that! I definitely try to make my characters realistic and have a... naturalness about them, so I can't thank you enough for saying that. THANK YOU.

Keediluv (Signed) on Jul 06, 2010 03:28 am (I Got A Feeling)
The conversation with these two is  It really did feel like they knew each other way back when or something.  This is a great start hon, good stuff!

Author's Response: Easy like Sunday morning! That's kinda what I was aiming for, I'm super happy that came across. Thanks so much for the review, darlin'.

Tink (Signed) on Jul 06, 2010 02:50 am (I Got A Feeling)
Still loving it

Author's Response: Yay, I hope you keep loving it!

Nsyncilicous85 (Anonymous) on Jul 05, 2010 08:25 pm (I Got A Feeling)
ayyyy!!! I love this girly. keep it up

Author's Response: Awesomeee, thank you so much. I'll definitely keep it up, I hope you keep enjoying!

the fresh princess (Signed) on Jul 05, 2010 06:19 pm (I Got A Feeling)
Yep I am liking zooey alot if I do say so myself. I know this isn't gona be tied up in a box with a nice bow on top but I hope they end up together. Of course I'm still saving for her to do somethin I don't like but for now... me and zooey are cool. Great great up-update

Author's Response: Awesome, I love Zooey, too. You're right, though, it's definitely not gonna be a neat and tidy love story, but I'll see what I can do about them ending up together. And yeah, you should allow that you'll change your mind, but... I hope you don't! lol. Thank so much for the review, hun!

princess (Anonymous) on Jul 05, 2010 03:50 pm (I Got A Feeling)
UhOh Lucy you got some spainin to do!  lol.  Somebody gonna get in trouble.  Your stories are like shots of walk me downs, you know it's gonna fuck you up and you should stop drinking them but it is so damn good.  Keep 'em coming.  Imma bout to get fucked up.

Author's Response: LOL I love how you compliment me and make me feel like a horrible person all at once. I promise, I'm not actively *trying* to fuck you up, but... I'm glad you're going for it even though you know better lol. I'll keep it coming as long as you keep coming back, girl.

Mack (Anonymous) on Jul 05, 2010 02:25 pm (I Got A Feeling)
This story is so great! The dialogue flows so easily and I love Zooey (nice original spelling =)). Please update soon! I want to read more!

Author's Response: Aww, well thank you so much. I like when dialogue seems realistic, so I definitely aim for that. I appreciate it! And to be honest, I stole the name from one of my girl-crushes, Zooey Deschanel, but I'll take credit for choosing it anyway lol. But really, thanks for the review!

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