Comments For Yellow
a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 24, 2010 09:53 am (Full Disclosure)

Oh man.  I feel like i'm reading two stories.  JT and ScarJo, and Justin and Zooey.  I just have a feeling that these two stories are going to collide soon enough and it's not going to be pretty. 

I'm on the edge of my seat :)

Author's Response: Hmm, I like that assessment. I like it a lot. Because at this point, that's exactly what it is. And you're right, the two tales will definitely meet at some point, and it'll be... interesting. At least, I hope so lol. Stay on the edge of your seat, it's about to get good!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jul 23, 2010 12:58 am (Full Disclosure)
As much as I love the concept of Justin and Zooey because they seem so natural together, I don't want him to cheat on Scarlett so, this is conflicting. lol. Can't really pick sides right now, just gonna wait and see what happens and how everything unfolds I guess. update soon!

Author's Response: Yesss, I want all of you guys to feel conflicted about their situation. While I do know how all of this ends, I honestly haven't chosen a side either, so I'm on this ride with you guys, questioning what I want to happen lol. But yeah, wait it out, the picture will get a little clearer eventually. Thanks, mama!

Keediluv (Signed) on Jul 22, 2010 12:31 am (Full Disclosure)

I'm so scared!  You know this is how love starts right?  I mean, he has an adorable wife and yet, is challenged and intrigued by Ms. Zooey and that usually grows from like to love.  See what you're doing to me?!  I'm all conflicted; in a totally awesome kinda way.  Thanks for updating...


Author's Response: Be afraid. Be very afraid! No, just kidding. You don't have to be too scared, but I can tell you that you will probably be conflicted for a while. Because you're right, this is how love starts. And it seems that Justin almost forgets about his adorable wife when Zooey is around, which is only a bad thing, so it's like he's just opening himself up to this dangerous prospect. Okay yeah, maybe you should be afraid lol. But in a totally awesome way. :giggle Thanks for the review, girl!

megzor (Signed) on Jul 21, 2010 10:34 pm (Full Disclosure)

this chapter > last chapter




i would just like to say that when i saw that you had posted a new chapter i said "oh fuck yeah." 

Author's Response: LOL you really didn't want them to get married, huh? This isn't my favorite chapter, but I love the glimpses you get into Zooey's life, so I'm glad you liked it! And even more, I love that that was your response! That's fantastic lmao. I don't wanna spoil anything, but I think you might like the next chapter even more... *whistles innocently*

princess (Anonymous) on Jul 21, 2010 09:19 pm (Full Disclosure)
dumb duh dumb dumb dumb! sings.  They're so dumb... I bet they don't know this song is about them... they're so dumb. lol Wow.  Really he is the dumb one.  He has to know that this can't turn into anything but shit.  And as Steve Harvey sings "When the funk hits the fan it's gonna smell like chitterlings, grits and ham!  It's gonna be funky!"  lol.  More soon.  I am so on this derailed train waiting for the wreck.

Author's Response: Lmao. They are extremely dumb. They're not thinking anything through, they're just acting on impulse, which is a dangerous thing when you have a married man and a charming woman involved. But we all do things that sound good in theory and then look horrible in hindsight. So get comfortable, my dear, this train won't stop for a hot minute!

mzmillion (Signed) on Jul 21, 2010 08:10 pm (Full Disclosure)
still loving it... just wondering how they actually fit together or trying to see them fit, Justin comes off as too damn.... clean for her lifestyle.

Author's Response: I know exactly what you mean, but I'd say that's exactly what he digs about Zooey. She's new and different and doesn't fit that perfect cookie-cutter lifestyle he seems to be living. And for some reason, we often think that new and different = better, so... it's gonna be interesting lol. Stayyy tuned!

heartsevolve. (Anonymous) on Jul 21, 2010 07:39 pm (Full Disclosure)

OKAY, so I'm not so sure I like Scarlett anymore. I DON'T KNOW WHY, she wasn't even in this chapter, hahaha. But...mannn, I just love Zooey so much! And her momma! That's sad. I hate the vacuum too, btw. It's just too loud.

I am SO IMPRESSED by your updating speed! Can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response: LOL. I don't even know how you decided you don't like Scarlett, she literally did nothing in this chapter lmao. That's awesome. But I know what you mean, I love Zooey too, you just kinda conjure up reasons to dislike his wife. And yeah, her mom kinda sucks, so that makes you wanna root for her a little more, doesn't it? Thank you muchly, though, I will keep up the updating to the best of my ability! And I don't like the vacuum either. Wood floors, ftw!

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