Comments For Don't Stop
musicmel (Signed) on Aug 18, 2010 10:59 am (Chapter 3)

Drunk Mayra is much more defensive when it comes to JC. That side of her needs to come out more! JC didn’t know what to do when she gave him the smack down.

I really wanna know why or how they ended things… hmm

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Jul 20, 2010 11:17 pm (Chapter 3)

ouch. man do i feel for these two.

poor jayce...i love his inner thoughts here and how on the outside he's all cool and collected towards her, but on the inside he's all messed up. 

and mayra...whew...girl needs to figure out which was is up. lol.

Author's Response:

oh, they are both messed up!  lol...Jace is fighting it.  He wants to believe that he's over her but....he's not.  And Mayra...these two just need to have a good ole roll in the sheets to release the tension and get over their stubbornness!  hahaha

Ash (Anonymous) on Jul 16, 2010 01:42 am (Chapter 3)
Love it so far! Keep writing!

Author's Response: yea!  I'm glad you love it.  I just posted the next chapter, enjoy :)

Nerdily Ingenious (Signed) on Jul 14, 2010 03:28 pm (Chapter 3)
The title is what did it for me. Even though the song is only a demo, I haven't stopped playing it since I've heard it. I'm a bit confused at the relationship between those two, but it'll all unfold soon enough. This is a very cute story so far, and I'm really interested to see where it'll go. Update soon. :)

Author's Response: omg!  me, too!!  that song is on constant repeat for me.  I can't get enough of it.  It is going to come into play in the story eventually (hence the title) because I love it so much!  Th relationship is a bit confusing, but I'm doing that on purpose :)  JC and Mayra are both confused themselves about what happened, what is happening, and what (if anything) will happen between them.  It will all be revealed, I promise, so stick with me!  <3

shan030709 (Signed) on Jul 13, 2010 04:18 pm (Chapter 3)
I really do enjoy reading your stories!!  I really like this one and cannot wait to read more!!  Happy Birthday!!

Author's Response: thank you , thank you!  for the review and the birthday wishes :)  I'm glad you are liking this one so far.  I'm pretty excited about it myself.  Hopefully you'll continue to like it.....

jersey_tenn (Signed) on Jul 13, 2010 07:45 am (Chapter 3)

i'm freakin campin at the present moment & i see the campground office has wifi & a comp, so I totally bailed on my friend this early AM to come read this....eek! here we go...[#Nsync #MM inspired] 

r u sure that u & i havent met in some alternate universe?!?! its like u've lived through my heartbreak! ah! thank you! this chapter was just...ah, wonderful, perfect, bittersweet. I miss my bottle of tequila now. Oh man, I have my own "Kelsey" in my life too. She is just my rock. Ah!

ok, seriously, I love you. Why? Because of this right here, "the weaknesses he had battled all thanks to a certain dark haired, brown eyed beauty who was a beguiling mix of Southern charm and Latin heat and passion." Oh man, really?!?! I think I just fell in love with myself. Gosh, I love it.

Now! I wasn't ready for what?!?!?! Gosh, I was an idiot! And, uh, Rachel, that chica that has such a hold on 'your' Jace is Moi! Me! Yo! hehe...u better be shakin in your stilettos! lol....

give me more! give me more!

Author's Response: hahaha!!  yesss!!  wifi at the campground!  that's was pretty pround of that description of you, myself.  I wrote it and was like, Damn.  No wonder Jace is messed up right now!  LOL.  The answer to your other question will be time...just be patient.  I'm going to be working on the next chapter hopefully today at work again. :)

Tink (Signed) on Jul 13, 2010 03:53 am (Chapter 3)
cAN'T WAIT to read more, hope you post again soon

Author's Response: thank you!!  I am working on the next chapter now....

Real Life Rachel (Anonymous) on Jul 13, 2010 12:43 am (Chapter 3)
Okay seriously woman... why aren't you writing real novels? You and I both know I don't have time for fan fiction right now, but this story totally has me hooked. I'm not sure who this chica is that has such a hold on my Jace, but I'm LOVING this story. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your time with Justy. ;)

Author's Response: yes, last night was wonderful!!  lol...I know, I know, I really need to be writing something that the rest of the world can read!  I'll start working on that :)  I'm glad you're liking this one so far even though it's not you with Jace....

heartsevolve (Signed) on Jul 12, 2010 10:46 pm (Chapter 3)

WHY WAS THIS SO SHORT?! Actually, I don't even know how short or long it was, but it FELT short. Because I loved it so, most likely.

Ugh, this story makes my heart hurt, but it's in the most wonderful way and I love it. 

And I already told you about what made me literally laugh out loud :) Wonderful chapter, can't wait for an update! 

Author's Response:

lol...actually this chapter is the same length as the others :)  but, I know the feeling.  I always hate it when chapters come to an end.  Don't worry, I know what's going to happen in the next one and will hopefully be able to work on it tomorrow.

This story makes my heart hurt too, but stick with me.  It'll be worth it, I promise.  <3

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