mzmillion (Signed) on Dec 17, 2010 07:12 pm (2005)
omg, its over, i can't believe it. I'm sad, I want more, and a better looking Norah...hehe

Author's Response:

haha i don't have any plans for a sequel, but who knows.

thank ya hun, i appreciate it!

sarah1988 (Signed) on Dec 11, 2010 09:35 pm (2005)
you know what? i adore this story. you should definitely write a sequel to this one. the characters are adorable! i pretty much read all your stories and norah and justin are my favourite couple, well...besides madison and justin.

Author's Response:

hahah awww yay! i'm very glad to hear that!

as for the sequel, no plans for that now. but with my crazy brain, there's no telling what'll happen in the future. lol

thank ya my dear, i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Nov 23, 2010 10:52 pm (2005)

I am literally dying at the fact that her first date with him was essentially a near-death experience. I think it's very fitting, somehow.

And awww she's a total sap, she saved all the letters. 

This was a perfectly adorable way to end this so yay you! And give me my christmas present now!

Author's Response:

lmfao well... yes. there was just no way it could be normal.

haha of course she is.

lmfao your christmas present is up. and i expect my reward in the form of penny damnit!

meggie (Signed) on Nov 23, 2010 05:22 pm (2005)

the last line of this, pure perfection. you win. now, i'd like more because that little 'completed' thing i'm reading isn't really there. i know these things :)

Author's Response: haha umm... i'm afraid that completed thing is there. clearly you are on some good drugs. but it's ok. i still love you.

Hollie (Signed) on Nov 23, 2010 04:37 pm (2005)
That date really sounds just about right for them. Love it.

Author's Response: lmao i know right? there was no way they could just be a normal couple.

vjrt (Anonymous) on Nov 23, 2010 03:53 pm (2005)
That was a lovely story. Thank you!

Author's Response: aww thank ya hun, i appreciate it!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Nov 23, 2010 02:12 am (2005)
Short but sweet! I loved how nothing has changed between them. Great update!

Author's Response:

haha oh yes, of course they still had to be total assholes. nothing else would have worked. lol

thank ya love, i appreciate it a ton!

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