glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 18, 2010 02:25 am (2000)

for real. you woke my damn mother up. you can't make me laugh this hard at 330 in the morning!!

also, the fraggle rock thing is seriously adorable. and the mental image is priceless. justin snuggling with his fraggle. 

love how he's needling trace AND his mother for information on her boyfriends. oh he's not interested at alll mhmm...

but seriously. i love these two so VERY much and demand you write more immediately.

Author's Response:

umm... that's totally not my fault. i refuse to take responsibility.

haha i thought so. but we're both nuts.. so, yeah.

umm... he's not. i promise. sort of. maybe.

umm... as soon as you write more penny, i'll get on it!

mzmillion (Signed) on Aug 16, 2010 08:58 pm (1999)
lollllol... I'm still loving this... I'm completely making up a Norah character in my head though b/c that pic isn't quite fitting for me...

Author's Response: nothing wrong with that. the pictures are just what i see in my head, so... to each his own.

Rosaliegh (Anonymous) on Aug 13, 2010 12:21 am (1999)
This story is great!! Best one I've read in a long time!! Keep it coming! :-)

Author's Response:

aww thank ya my dear!

i apreciate it a ton!

Calandra Stevens (Anonymous) on Aug 12, 2010 12:50 am (1999)
OK lmao One of the best lines I think I have ever seen written in a fic "P.S- I can’t do anything about Trace’s hair. It’s not my fault the guy knows I’m awesome. Just buy him some shampoo, it’ll be alright. Or, just buy food for the animals nesting in his hair." Roflmao Ur soooo effin hilarious. I'm McLovin This!! Cant wait for more. and thank you MT DEW for both updates  :)

Author's Response:

haha well it's good to know someone thinks my special brand of crazy is amusing.

thank ya hun! i appreciate it!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 09:48 pm (1999)
Oh, I love it.  The banter is awesome. 

Author's Response: thank ya love! much appreciated!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 09:44 pm (1998)

I agree, Joey's pants must have been made from an old lady's couch, lol.  It's sad that I remember exactly which pants they're talking about, too. :)

meggie (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 07:34 pm (1999)
um, me thinks that they're just throwing in the insults at this point. because there's too much nice in the letters. AND I LIKE IT!! also, thank you mt dew for making my morning happy :)

Author's Response:

psh... no way. they hate each other. it's sooo obvious.

haha thank ya lady! now, let's see some updates from you, eh?

Hollie (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 06:05 pm (1999)
Oohh, loving the Backstreet Boys dig. And lol at them pretending not to care about each other. It's funny.

Author's Response:

haha what can i say... i do so love my boyband humor.

umm... no... they're mortal enemies. i have no idea what you're talking about.

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 11, 2010 03:25 am (1999)
I love this! I love the bickering through letters between these two! Update again soon! I'm really enjoying this!

Author's Response:

haha i am so very glad to hear it. cause these two are loads of fun to write.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

Jbear (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 02:58 am (1999)
HAHA there letters to each other are the best!! I am so surprised you let Norah have a heart for one letter. But as usual total awesomeness!!

Author's Response:

haha yes... i had to show that she does have somewhat of a soul.

thank ya love! i appreciate it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Aug 11, 2010 02:44 am (1999)

Y'know i dont know what it says about me that trace isn't even technically IN this and he's my favorite character. oh well.

"i refuse to sell my work to obnoxious jackasses" - i love her, oh so very much. 

and between the TRL/BSB shit i was dying. except for her crush on methface. she loses points for that (SO DO YOU!) 

but um, this is becoming a very close second to mad season so more please and thanks. hey, at least i demanded nicely.

Author's Response:

lmao... once again, you are just so very special. but yeah... apparently it's impossible for me to not use trace in some capacity.

umm... i love nick carter. so does norah. i don't think your intervention will help either of us.

haha thank ya lady. much appreciated!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Aug 08, 2010 10:44 pm (1998)
I can't wait to see what's going to happen... I really like this. PMS

Author's Response: aww yay! thank ya my dear, i appreciate it!

meggie (Signed) on Aug 06, 2010 08:06 pm (1998)

yeah, i think this has the power to become my favorite. and for me to say that, what with maddison being my role model and all, that has to say something.

i'm going to need more. now. thanks. you're a real pal. 

Author's Response:

haha oh wow... i am so very impressed! lol.

thank ya crazy lady. mucho appreciated!

Hollie (Signed) on Aug 06, 2010 02:18 pm (1998)
This hate-hate relationship is so much fun. More.

Author's Response: woo! glad ya think so lady!

megzor (Signed) on Aug 05, 2010 11:20 pm (1998)

this is so adorable. i can't wait to see how their relationship grows.

i laughed at this part.. "I’m pretty sure Joey’s pants were made from some old ladies couch."

 but mostly because i thought it said "i'm pretty sure joey's pants were made from some old ladies crotch"

Author's Response:

LMAO ok... the old ladies crotch thing pretty much just made my day.

thank ya love! i appreciate it a whole bunch!

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