glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 08, 2010 06:36 pm (The Grinch Who Feared Santa)
have i told you lately that i love you? because only your nutass brain would come up with something this ridiculous and adorable at the same time. i have to say, though, while i'm not afraid of santa, the girl brings up some good points. Also, I had to read this again sober and laughed all over again, so I need more things like this in the future. OH! Write a Christmas series! Do it!

Author's Response:

lmfao well... i'm insane. we both know this.

and mostly, we can thank my brother and his childhood fear of santa for this. i knew it had to be good something.

and umm... yeah... i seriously doubt a christmas series will happen. but the next chapter of carry will be christmas-y. so yay?

musicmel (Signed) on Dec 07, 2010 08:41 am (The Grinch Who Feared Santa)

I loved her hatred for Christmas… and the wreaths. But I also love his (over the moon) love for Christmas!

Great job!

Author's Response:

haha oh yes. the polar opposites are always fun to write.

thank ya my dear, i appreciate it a ton!

Hollie (Signed) on Dec 04, 2010 07:30 pm (The Grinch Who Feared Santa)
You are so made of win.

Author's Response:

hahaha yay! i like winning. do i get some sort of prize? if so, i'll take chris pine wrapped in a big pink bow, please and thank you.

meggie (Signed) on Dec 04, 2010 06:17 pm (The Grinch Who Feared Santa)
you win. lol that was amazing and i want more of them. so hop to it skippy

Author's Response:

haha woo! winning is so very much fun.

as for more... umm... you are familiar with the term SHORT story, right? lmfao.

i still love you!

AmberW (Signed) on Dec 04, 2010 04:03 am (The Grinch Who Feared Santa)

Hahahahaha...I love this.  This is great!  I love your word choice.  Like seriously, the whole thing is just worded great.

I know I'm funny in real life, but I can't capture it in the written world.  Yours, I can see it happening and I'd be lauging my ass off the whole time lol

Great job!  Merry Christmas!

Author's Response:

hahah well thank ya my dear!

basically, i am a HUGE smartass, and 99 percent of the time, i'm just writing dialogue exactly the way my friends and i talk. the fact that we're all certifiably insane does help a bit, lol.

thank you again, i do appreciate it! and merry christmas to you too!

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