Hollie (Signed) on Jun 03, 2011 07:37 am (Chapter 6: Confession)

Because your batshit crazy ass isn’t making sense to anybody with a dick. Which you used to have one of. You know… uhh… metaphorically.”

Kyle is a diptshit. He really is. Though he was marginally sweet about it. 

I'm glad Burke is at least admitting that she's irrationally hating the girl who I really do suspect was being entirely genuine with her. 

Author's Response:

lmfao if i recall correctly, that line was all ms. glow. like that's any surprise.

kyle is... special and awesome, and yes, a dipshit haha.

burke is also... very, very special. lmao

thank ya my dear!

meggie (Signed) on Jun 02, 2011 06:10 pm (Chapter 6: Confession)
ok, the three horsemen line has been replaced as my favorite. the gang banging line is the best ever lmfao  thank you friend.

Author's Response: hahaha you are most welcome my love!

mzmillion (Signed) on Jun 02, 2011 04:34 pm (Chapter 6: Confession)
oh yeah....

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jun 02, 2011 02:34 pm (Chapter 6: Confession)
Kyle just scored some major points with me :) And...Burke totally has it bad.  I love this story.  I'm so glad you updated!  I can't wait to see what happens with these guys (and gals).

Author's Response:

haha Kyle is all sorts of awesome.

Burke is just... very special. lmao.


Thank ya dear! I appreciate it!

Jbear (Signed) on Jun 02, 2011 04:42 am (Chapter 6: Confession)
So yea Maggie you don't care at all. The whole thing is just too funny. More plz soon. Thank you!

Author's Response:

Haha nope.. miss Maggie doesn't care! lol.

 Thank ya hun, much appreciated!

MEEEEEE (Anonymous) on Jun 02, 2011 01:07 am (Chapter 6: Confession)

Okay so, I'm still dying at the gang-bangin line. 

And Burke is so fucked up over the Justin thing that she can't see Lyla's trying to be genuine. Lyla's still kind of a dumbass, but she means well, so I can forgive that. Kind of. Can't forgive Justin though, he's just retarded. That chick? Really?  

But Kyle for the fucking win, actually showing he's not totally obtuse. I heart him.

More now! I demand more Kyle/Trace interactions.  

Author's Response:

You would love the line about a gang bang. I'm not even surprised.

 Lyla sucks. and not in a fun way.

As previously stated, Kyle is basically Dick Casablancas without a censor. 


I will get on the Trace/Kyle thing, just for you!

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