Comments For My Best Friend
theusagirl (Anonymous) on May 11, 2011 09:06 pm (Part Two, Chapter 7: Family Portrait)
*gasp* A divorce? Gosh Leah's family IS dysfunctional, I mean we all have our share of family issues(yes my uncles, aunts, cousins are all a bit lost) long story...oh and my grandpa had Alzheimers(or so they say, and he passed away in December) :( lets get back to this chapter, Im so glad that Leah moved out when she turned 18, and she chose a different aspect for her life, and she is doing well for herself, its not like the same routine of boring lawyer husbands and fancy cars, its always good to change it up a little.. Good job, looking forward to the next chapter, all about JC..yayy..

Mack_Attack22 (Signed) on May 11, 2011 08:50 pm (Part Two, Chapter 7: Family Portrait)
*GASP* divorce? Alzheimers!? Geeze, I feel so bad for Leah. At least JC will be there for her. Update again soon!

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