Comments For My Best Friend
theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 02, 2013 10:22 pm (Part Four, Chapter 28: Meltdown Like a Candle)

Lucky is the best! :D I'm so glad that she put her foot down, Jill totally deserved it..she's being a spoiled brat! These lines here: "I’m talking to you.” Lucky said. “Listen, if you’re gonna stay under this roof, we’re going to have to establish some boundaries.” She said firmly. “This isn’t Beverly Hills, and you don’t have maids at your beck and call anymore. I’m not going to clean up your shit, and you can’t just eat and drink my food without replacing it.” It was time that Lucky put her foot down.

I love how JC is like, "oh no I'm not going in there to break up girl fights.." LOL but he did anyway..

Good job! I hope Jill moves somewhere else and get back to her own life, Leah is way too nice. Its common sense Jill, if something is dirty, clean it..

I would have a major problem if someone wears my jammies..hmph.

Thanks for the update! :D

Author's Response: Yeah, "That Girl is a Problem", LOL! It took someone like Lucky to bring her down a notch, because Leah can be a bit of a pushover. Lets just hope that this is the end of her time in New York for the sanity of Leah and Lucky! Thanks for reading!

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