Comments For Goodbye
Kaotyk (Signed) on Oct 12, 2014 05:45 pm (Chapter One: Goodbye)
Why stop writing? Use it as therapy, as a release, as a way to deal to deal with everday stresses. It helps me very much

ChiChi (Anonymous) on May 28, 2011 12:27 am (Chapter One: Goodbye)
Aww, that was sad but sweet at the same time. Great job.

Author's Response: thanks ChiChi, I appreciate it

theusagirl (Anonymous) on May 11, 2011 07:49 pm (Chapter One: Goodbye)
*tear :( Such a sad story..I actually like the sound of that name, wow Justin Timberlake's little sister, and JC's wife, what an interesting combo..

Author's Response:

yes it is, it made me cry writing it

JSC_OutOfSync (Signed) on May 10, 2011 10:08 pm (Chapter One: Goodbye)
Seeing that you worked hard on this, props to you! :) Piece of constructive criticism, it needs a little more work. You should include some dialogues, and some more decriptive writing. Go into detail, you know? You have a pretty good storyline, so you should write some more and use this as the prologue or something. Like how Sophie deals with the death of JC & Justin and has the baby and such.. If not, to improve, just take the first couple points i gave.. Nice storyline! :) Hope to see some of your writing on here!! Good luck!

Author's Response: thank you soooooooooooo much for the review

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