Comments For Business First
MissM (Signed) on Oct 17, 2011 10:32 am (Thirty Nine)
OMG. I don't know who to root for!!!!

Author's Response: Lol you and I are going to have to talk soon....

Keediluv (Signed) on Oct 17, 2011 02:57 am (Thirty Nine) that the slow torture is over...

You are really the bees fuckin knees!

First off, I'm surprised that you cranked out three chapters in a day.  Inspiration much?  Anywho, I loved all three though they were kinda like torture for me.  I'm so afraid of what's going to happen that I don't know what to do with myself.  If I can ask you one small favor though...please, please don't turn Justin back into the maniacal man he once was.  Don't think I could take that. He's more beautiful now that he's let love in his heart and I don't want him to lose it.


BTW, totally Team Justin now.




P.S- Did it have to be on the news in front of the children?!   

Author's Response:

I have to tell you that reading your feedbacks made my day go a lot quicker at work today and kept a smile on my face!  I know, three chapters in one day...who knew? I did have lots of inspiration thanks to the people that have been reading this (hint thats you).  I know it's a scary time in the story, but I will do my very best to make the outcome barable.  I can't make any promises yet because honestly...I don't know what's going to happen either!  I will try my hardest not to make Justin into too much of a prick.  I know...the news thing.  I debated about how I wanted Justin to see it, and i thought the most realistic way to do it was with the kids.


I know you'd turn into a Braeden traitor eventually! LOL!

JoJo (Signed) on Oct 17, 2011 12:46 am (Thirty Nine)

I hate to see Justin fall like 3 steps back to where he used to be. But again I can't really blame him for preparing for the worst. I'm so confused just as every character in this story!! I feel for Braeden but I can't help but be Team Justin in this one.

Your story brings out every emotion in me. I absolutely love it!! Personally I like Braeden but I really want Justin and Abbey to make it out of this (that's a hint by the way) :)

Thanks for the quick update! Hope another one is coming soon. Can't wait to see what happens!

Author's Response: I'm so flattered that this story has effected you so much.  It means a lot to me that you love it.  I know I'm killing you, but you'll have to read on and see what happens!  I have another update in progress and should have it up shortly! Thanks for your support again, it means a lot to me :)

samantha (Anonymous) on Oct 16, 2011 10:35 pm (Thirty Nine)


Author's Response: Working on it!

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