Comments For Can't
a_moments_grace (Signed) on Apr 29, 2012 04:39 pm (Can't)
I just love your writing.

Author's Response: Thank you so much!

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Jan 16, 2012 05:02 am (Can't)


Wouldn't THAT be an interesting turn of events? I think this whole situation has all of our minds turning justabittoomuch but what do you expect? We've worshipped the ground he freaking walks on since before he hit's only natural, right? We're not all crazy. Right? LOL.

Author's Response: No... *twitch* not crazy at all *twitch* haha. I really don't care either way I just want a confirmation. THATS ALL I WANT!! not that he even owes us that I just...Iwanttoknowdammit lol Thanks for reading!!!

lykeoilnwater (Signed) on Jan 15, 2012 05:56 pm (Can't)
I... really... liked this. I was so excited to see that you updated, I had to read it immediately, and as always it was great. So powerful. & real. I like how JT admits that the thought of children and eternal love is frightening but that he'd brave his fears because no matter what he wants her & needs her. So sad :( but awesome!

Author's Response: EEP thanks! The idea just kind bonked me over the head when I was obsessing over ARE THEY???/AREN'T THEY??? because I just need to KNOW dammit. Obviously I have problems haha. Thanks for reading!

MissM (Signed) on Jan 15, 2012 01:28 pm (Can't)
w00t! that turned out great!

Author's Response: YAY thanks! It just kinda bounced into my brain. That's what's awesome about drabbles. You can do completely random ideas. Thanks for reading!

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