Comments For The Beautiful Ones
isela (Anonymous) on May 02, 2012 08:56 pm (pressing engagements)
yay, an ashley story.  intrigued with it already.  the start is reminiscent of in fear of close objects, kinda, which i lurved. still go back to re-read Yellow all the time. 

Author's Response: Aww, I'm so glad to see you back! I know I've put you through some stuff over the years lol. But now that you mention it, it is a bit like the beginnings of Justin and Rie. Hmm. My obsession with them refuses to die, apparently! And the fact that you re-read Yellow all the time just made me super happy, because I do too, and I think I'm just glad I'm not alone lmao. Anyway! I hope you enjoy, I always love hearing from you, Isela! <3

toesinthesand (Anonymous) on Apr 30, 2012 05:44 am (pressing engagements)
ahhhh so glad your are back and with dylan & jamie no less!!! Needless to say i am excited, please pms girl

Author's Response: Dylan and Jamie, indeed! Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't make it more complicated than that, but yes, my two favorite people in the world are at the root of it all. I hope you like whatever unrecognizable mess I turn them into lmao. Thanks muchly for reading!

Lizz (Anonymous) on Apr 29, 2012 08:23 pm (pressing engagements)
great start :) I love these two and I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you muchly, Lizz. I hope you dig wherever crazy place I decide to go with it, haha. Thanks for reading!

Devon (Signed) on Apr 29, 2012 12:32 pm (pressing engagements)
Ahh! I have no clue where this is going, but I'm sure you'll take us on a ride like you always do. You enjoy writing Justin in some sort of pain, huh? lolol

Author's Response: Devi!!!!! I definitely plan to take you on some weird ride you'll inevitably realize you don't want to be on, but... by then it'll be too late. And that's what makes this fun for me! LAWL. And yes, it seems that I do like to write Justin as an angsty mess. Since that's what he does to me in real life and all. No, but seriously, so glad you're reading. ILU!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Apr 29, 2012 06:56 am (pressing engagements)
So well written and such a fantastic tease :)  I can't wait to see what you do with this.  I'm excited there's another Justin story out's been a while!

Author's Response: Yay, so glad you're reading. I always look forward to your comments! I definitely noticed the lack of Justin stories, but that's to be expected when he insists on being a useless mess of actor/home decorator/everything but musician lol! Still, I will try and keep this ball rolling, thank you soooooo much for checking me out!

Tink (Signed) on Apr 29, 2012 05:52 am (pressing engagements)
Great start, can't wait to read more

Author's Response: Well thank you, thank you very much. I hope you enjoy! And muchas gracias for reviewing!

Maddie (Anonymous) on Apr 29, 2012 12:46 am (pressing engagements)

OH MY GOD I AM SO EXCITED FOR THISSSS. YES. YES. I have secret shipped them since before FWB came out and ughhhh what. Angsty used to be married?! THIS SOUNDS AMAAAZING. I am so excited.

But I am also a little concerned...your stories aren't normally totally OMG I AM EXCITED!! YAY! So glad you're back.

Author's Response: Oh man, what a reputation I've made for myself! LOL! I know, I know, I tend to be a bit dark, but I will try and keep this relatively light. I think. Mostly. Sort of. Maybe! But I am sooooooo, so happy that you're excited. Mila and Justin have been my dream couple forever too, so I guess it doesn't quite make sense that I've divorced them before it even gets started, but... no one ever claimed that I made sense lmao. Anywho! Thank you so much for reading, Maddie. I hope I don't disappoint!

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