Comments For The Beautiful Ones
monijt1 (Signed) on Jun 21, 2012 10:20 pm (date night)

Good for Nadia for slowing things down with Justin. A lot of maturity on her part. She needs to figure herself out, when it comes to love. 

I worry about obsessive Alex and the things she might do. She's not going to give Naida up that easily. She seems like the "If I can't have you, nobody can" type. Justin may want to hire more bodyguards, for protection.

I have a feeling that  Mila and her fiance aren't going to last to long. They seem like completely opposites of each other. It seems like she's way more into him,  than he is into her. Oh well, as long she doesn't get in the way of Justin and Naida hooking up, I don't care. 

Also, thanks for the fast updates.  

Author's Response: Yeah, I think Nadia needed to show a little bit of restraint, especially considering the fact they started at about a 10 lol. It would be hard to get to know each other if they didn't reel it in a little bit. As for Alex, well... I won't say too much because then I'd be giving away my story, but I can calm your fears about her going fatal attraction on everybody lmao. She is a little cray, but not dangerous, per se. At least, not in what I've written so far. I guess things could always take a turn for the worst. 8o And last but not least, Mila and James. They are a bit detached, and Mila is so intent on finding her happiness outside of Justin that she doesn't quite realize it. My dear, misguided Mila. I am not quite sure what I'm doing with her yet, but I'll try and keep her out of Justin and Nadia's way lol. Thank you SO much for the review! <3

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jun 21, 2012 06:31 pm (date night)
Oh, Nadia.  I totally get her hesitance, but I don't agree at all!  Then again, I'm not sure I'd ever land JT in may know better than I.  Loved it!!

Author's Response: Yeah, to be honest, I'm not sure I agree with her either, but I figure maybe cooler heads prevail once the shine of Justin Timberlake wears off? Or maybe not, but that's why this is fiction! Lmao. But seriously, thank you so much for reading! Love hearing from you!

the fresh princess (Signed) on Jun 21, 2012 05:05 pm (date night)
Ok so here's how I see it. Nadia can have James since he likes to sleep and she has to get up at the butt-crack of dawn anddd Mila can go back to her husband. How you feel about that??? Because tbr I don't see it for J and Nadia, I juat don't! so let's work on that storyline k?

Author's Response: LOL! You see it in a very interesting way, my friend. I like it, it's creative. But even if that is in my crazy little plans, you know I'm not gonna tell you! So maybe your wish will come true, maybe it won't... time will tell! Also interesting that you don't see Nadia and Justin together. You are pure JuMila, huh? I got you, I feel you. I'll see what I can do lol. Thank you for the review! <3

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jun 21, 2012 03:27 pm (date night)
Nadia and Justin's relationship is not predictable. They take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. This makes for an interesting story. What's going on with Mila and Jimmy. You implied that he might not be completely faithful. I want to know more.

Author's Response: LOL, not predictable in the least, you are right about that. But that's what I dig about them, they zig just when you think they're gonna zag! And yeah, it would be a little boring if it went the way we wanted it to go, wouldn't it? As for Mila and Jimmy, well... they're an enigma, aren't they? Truth is, she is just looking for a way to be happy. And whether she's found it... that remains to be seen. BUT! I didn't mean to imply he was cheating. I just re-read it and I realize it did sound like that, but it was more of a commentary on her marriage to Justin than it was on James. So no, no infidelity on his part! ...At least not yet, hehe. Anywho, I'm talking a lot. Thank you so much, as always, for your review!

toesinthesand (Anonymous) on Jun 21, 2012 06:32 am (date night)
Awe man I wanted them to really get together but I do understand where nadia is comig fact im glad she wants to do it right. i just wish it would happen faster haha. Great update and poor mila. Please pms!!!

Author's Response: Yeahhh, it's not so cut and dry with them, as you can see. But precautions are necessary! If it does happen, (and I'm not saying it does!), they just might be glad they took it slow. We shall see. Thanks so much for reviewing! <3

Emmie (Signed) on Jun 21, 2012 12:08 am (date night)
I absolutely love this story so far so please continue updating!

Author's Response: Thank you so much, that means a lot. I'll definitely update as often as I can!

B-Twice (Signed) on Jun 20, 2012 10:54 pm (date night)
Ugh !! i want more

Author's Response: Don't worry, there is more to come! Thanks so much for reading!

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