Comments For The Beautiful Ones
Keediluv (Signed) on Jul 20, 2012 07:41 pm (trust issues)

It's the beautiful ones that make things complicate. Nadia is so deliciously complicated that she makes this whole story so easy to read. Justin and Mila are so cute and you are really good at getting us to fall in love with whomever it is Justin's with before the character. I want to not like Mila as much as I do but I can't help it. She adorable, especially when she's jealous. Good grief woman, you rock socks!

Author's Response: Yes girl, you are so right. The beautiful ones are complicating the hell out of things! LOL. But thank you so, so much. I try lol. And honestly, my inspiration for Justin and Mila is mostly because I wish they were a real couple. I imagine she's a lot cooler in real life, but here, she's someone trying to find herself after having her identity tied to someone else since she became an adult, and so... we'll see how she handles it all. Can't say it's gonna be pretty, but I thank you sooooo much for your review! Stick around!

jjazz59 (Anonymous) on Jul 20, 2012 12:06 am (trust issues)
Oh*hit! Talking about awkward. On top of that Nadia lies to Justin. So not good. Also Nadia was also under no obligation to tell Rachel about her and Justin. So I though Rachel was being unfair. Really liked this chapter.

Author's Response: Yeeeah, Nadia is just losing grip, it would appear. No clue what to do with Alex, lying to Justin, lashing out at Rachel (though it might have been a little deserved lol)... she's turning into a big ball of mess, isn't she?

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jul 19, 2012 09:12 pm (trust issues)
Oh the tangled webs we weave...!  I love the raw and real qualities of this story.  Bravo to you, lady, for being such an exceptional writer :)

Author's Response: Aww, thank you so much. It is definitely a tangled web, but we are all ducking and weaving through this world, aren't we! So that's what I try to express. I appreciate you so much for saying that! <3

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