theusagirl (Signed) on May 17, 2012 08:19 pm (Chapter 6)

WHOA! That was so terrible what happened to James, that BEAST, hmph. I'm so glad that she was able to tell JC about that ordeal, sometimes its good to tell people your problems, someone you can trust, but then, you have to know who to trust, I've been through my ups and downs, but I'm stronger now.. :) Completely different then this though.. And random since they are at the Shrimp Festival, a good song for this is "Lean on Me" or "Stand By Me" just a thought..since they are both making conversation..

And JC kissed her, was she expecting that kiss?? I must know! I hope it wasn't too sudden. GAH!

Great chapter..and thanks for the update.

P.S You don't have Twitter do you??

Musiccrazedjazzy (Anonymous) on May 17, 2012 09:44 am (Chapter 6)
:O that was fantastic, cant wait to read more. I would have died laughing when big'un sang, either that or cried from the torture.

Tink (Signed) on May 17, 2012 03:16 am (Chapter 6)
Great chapter, loving this story. hope you update again soon

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