theusagirl (Signed) on May 23, 2012 07:59 pm (Chapter 9)

*dun dun dun* These lines here: "At home." James suddenly, for reasons she couldn't explain, felt jealous and lonely. He was out in L.A. with his friends eating at some hip California joint she imagined, and she was stuck at home on the couch. I know how that feels *sad sigh* *eats bowl of ice cream* Though I tend to think positive thoughts..lolz.

Thats right, don't think that way James, JC won't do that, but man, the pilot was rescheduled...hmm. I'm sure she'll understand..hopefully. :)

Nicely done, and thanks for the update.

Anonymous (Anonymous) on May 23, 2012 05:43 pm (Chapter 9)
Ugh JC fire your manager for taking you from James. Sometimes I want to slap JC in these fanfics and real life. haha cant wait for the next chapter. best part was the coversation between madison and kaylie.

mollyanna5 (Signed) on May 23, 2012 10:53 am (Chapter 9)
You are evil ending it there and leaving us hanging!

Megan (Anonymous) on May 23, 2012 12:09 am (Chapter 9)
Uh oh...trouble in paradise for James and JC? I certainly hope not, I would really hate to see these 2 broken apart because of their seperation. Thanks for the update, can't wait to read more :)

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