Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 21, 2012 10:13 am (One)
Great, you did such an amazing job and you did it with such grace. You had us eager for updates, even when you were updating in a timely fashion. You rocked this story. I absolutely adore the beginning, everything in between, and the conclusion.

Author's Response: Really glad you liked how it turned out. I'm proud of this story too! Thanks for your support!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 18, 2012 11:11 pm (One)

Betsy Collins has been living the good life since she met Preston Harrington two years ago, and up until now, she felt she was with him for all the right reasons.  Now, with a rock on her finger the size of the Hope Diamond, part of her is starting to feel like she could be making a mistake, even though her friends and family think she’s headed in the right direction.

Does the above look familiar? I just reread that and realized how you flipped the script and how this can 'somewhat' apply to Justin and Val.

Yessssssss, I knew it. You got me, throwing me for these loops but, no offense to Val, she sweet and all but Justin/Ava need 'time' together. Betsy needs time to get herself in order, too, so you already know how I feel.

Author's Response: I try...I do. So glad you liked what I did, and I hope you'll like the rest of it too!

Kandi_28 (Anonymous) on Aug 18, 2012 08:36 pm (One)
I don't usually leave reviews but I am addicted to this story and I'm so glad that Justin comes to his senses about Val.  Betsy's the one for him :)

Author's Response: Aw well thank you for the review it is much appreciated! I agree...we'll have to see what his dumb butt decides to do lol.

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 18, 2012 05:11 pm (One)
Hmmmm, could Val be to Justin what Preston was to Betsy(minus the extreme psychotics). Muy interesante, chica.

Author's Response: Must. Read. Next. Chapter.

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 16, 2012 05:19 pm (One)

He's finally seen the light but it still irks me that it took someone else to point this out to him. Of all people, it was Val. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the girl but she's just in the midst of a terrible situation. I'm not going to lie, I won't be happy without a Justin/Betsy relationship finality...but if you so choose to end it w/ Justin/Val, I'll just have to deal. Just happy that he now acknowledges that she sacrificed such a great deal(herself) for him.

Author's Response: I's a confusing situation.  In fact, when I orginally started this story I had no intention of doing all of this stuff with Preston/ Valerie.  It sort of just happened but It hink I know what direction I'm taking now.  I really appreciate all the feedback though, it means a lot to me!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Aug 15, 2012 07:31 am (One)

I've been reading this story since the beginning and I've never seen so many twists in a story. You have thrown me for a loop from start to finish. Even with Justin and Val, you might throw something else at me. However, it kinda bothers me when Justin says he doesn't have the time/risk helping Betsy. I understand to a degree, but then agree, she risked a lot for him and in some twisted way, he might be considered a possible cause. She pretty much gave up everything for him and look at her now, look at him. I understand why he can't risk helping, but it still bothers me, after all that she's done and gone through to help him succeed.

 Good story, though.

Author's Response: I'm really glad you've been reading and sticking with the story.  Justin is a stubborn butt, he's always been one, and right now I think he's just so high on life that he can't take a minute and to understand what's really happened to her.  I don't think he wants to...almost like, he doesn't want anybody to take him off of his high, and letting her push him away is easier for him.  I have a plan though, I swear there is a method to my madness! Don't give up on me yet!

dani86 (Anonymous) on Aug 13, 2012 08:27 pm (One)
omg omg these last chapters have been amazing  and such a treat for the start of my week THANK YOU. I love it and im so happy for justin except I wsh he was back with betsy im so worried about her. But i love your stories so thank you and please write more soon. Also are you still writing on the squeal to business first? But anyway thank you very awesome and amazing love it 

Author's Response: Aw you just made my week with your awesome comments! Thank you so much! I'm glad you love it! I've been pouring my heart into it lately :) The sequel to BF is just on a temporary hold, because I have a lot of research to do and I want a firm plan before I go ahead with the rest of that, but it's something I really want to write...the muse just has to be there :) I'm working on the next update now, so more soon!

Marissa (Anonymous) on Aug 07, 2012 10:04 am (One)

I just recently started reading this, and have been keeping up with the updates in the past couple of weeks. Oh my goodness, what a crazy, crazy story! It's different and you've written it so well. Preston is just an insane bastard!

 Keep up the great work! 

Author's Response: Aw thank you very much! Always glad to hear from a new reader! I appreciate the comments and that you are reading! I'll have more soon!

dani86 (Anonymous) on Jul 29, 2012 01:18 pm (One)
REALLY I MEAN COME ON REALLY ugh this is getting crazy. You better update soon because I want to kill that asshole preston and that boss of hers. Why do you keep doing this its amazing and I love it but please for the love of all thats good please fix it. BTW this story is amazing love it and i love carter

Author's Response: I know! I'm sorry...after this latest update you probably think this story is even crazier! I hope you still stick with it anyway...I'm so glad you like it this much! It means a lot!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Jul 24, 2012 09:16 am (One)
I'm loving the updates. Loving how quick they are coming. However, you are hurting me with the corrupt people in power or with money are. The more updates, the less it hurts. Great story thus far.

Emmie (Signed) on Jul 23, 2012 02:46 pm (One)
Oh no! Just when I thought things were getting better for Justin. Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thank you! More is coming soon!

dani86 (Anonymous) on Jul 23, 2012 12:25 pm (One)
NOOOOOOOOOO WT NO NO what a horrible woman shes just awful oh my no poor justin im about to cry why when everything seemed ok why

Author's Response: LOL omg I'm sorry to do this to you! It just kind of happened! Keep reading hopefully things will get better soon :)

dani86 (Anonymous) on Jul 02, 2012 08:29 am (One)
No no no no poor Justin! I really hope everything comes together for him and am I detecting a backstory for collins? I love this story the last two chapter were great please update soon. 

Author's Response: Thanks so much for reading! More soon!

lizzy99 (Signed) on May 31, 2012 07:31 pm (One)
So good, can't wait to

Author's Response: thanks! Working on the next one for you now!

Emmie (Signed) on May 31, 2012 12:25 am (One)
Your stories are awesome! More updates please!

Author's Response: thank you! More is coming soon!

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