Pumples (Signed) on Apr 19, 2015 12:31 pm (One)

I stumbled upon this while trying to find something new to read and I LOVED it. I got hooked from the first chapter.

I loved how genuinely freaked out Lauren was to discover herself in bed with Justin. Because, let's be honest, if this was real life it would be pretty terrifying to wake up next to him with no recollection. I mean it's J... you'd quickly get over it, but still...

Also, thank you for providing a happy ending. I was a little bit worried in parts that there might not be one.:)

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Dec 22, 2012 12:29 am (One)
Oh my god...it's like you've known me my entire life. All I want to know is--who'd you have to stalk to get all this information? LOL. Or am I REALLY that open of a book? 

Author's Response: LOL well the first thing I did was go and read your archive profile, then I clicked on your facebook link and got a general idea of where you went to school and where you live, the rest I just made up from the top of my head. Hope you don't mind that I semi-stalked you haha.

AmberW (Signed) on Dec 21, 2012 01:08 pm (One)
That was sooo good!! Great job!

Author's Response: Well thank you! I really appreciate it!

Nikki (Anonymous) on Dec 21, 2012 11:53 am (One)
Really awesome.

Author's Response: Thank you!

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