Comments For Fading Sun
Pumples (Signed) on Aug 02, 2014 10:23 am (Chapter 3: The Appointment)

Um, Chris... orange juice and coke? Really?!

Loved the coffee description, and you've totally nailed the hideous feeling of being in a hospital waiting room. After waiting two weeks for the results, me and my family had to wait three hours to be told my mum had cancer. It was brutal. Sad to read dear Joey going through the same. I already hope this story has a happy ending, but that would be giving too much away, right? ;) 

Author's Response:

Coke mixed with OJ has become a little joke of mine. I don't drink it myself, but I sometimes like to show a character drinking it. (Everyone who reads my stuff finds that disgusting.) I don't drink coffee either, but I did some "research" to get the idea of what bad coffee tastes like. And I don't like waiting, either; I get antsy after just twenty minutes. If I don't have my Zune or something to do, I go nuts. 

Um, yeah, I'm afraid that would fall under the category of "Super Spoilers." I already know how it will end, but that's for me to know and you to eventually find out. I'm feeling pretty confident about finishing this story. It may take a while, but I have the basic plot figured out, so mostly it's a matter of figuring out the details. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 20, 2013 02:12 pm (Chapter 3: The Appointment)

These lines here: "“If a lie showed up as plain as the nose on your face, Joey, you’d give Pinocchio a run for his money.”  LOL And another line that Chris said, "Chris took a drink, and almost spat it back into the cup. “Blecch! This coffee’s terrible! It’s like melted crayons from the inside of an old rubber tire.”  HA!

Though waiting in the waiting room is nerve-racking..

I wanna know what the doctor says! *reads next chapter*

Author's Response: Always like to weave in those bits of humor where necessary. As I said, I prefer stories that have funny AND serious moments.

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