Comments For Fading Sun
Pumples (Signed) on Aug 03, 2014 03:25 am (Chapter 6: The Big Test)

My mum has had 17 bone marrow biopsys and she STILL can't sleep the night before. I went with her for her first one and now admire anyone who can go through that bravely. So I'm not surprised JC would be out the door/window! 

It's great that some people were understanding, but I can completely believe that some would be annnoyed with the group having to cancel things due to sickness. People suck. 

Author's Response:

I imagine most people don't feel nearly as brave as they appear to be. Some people have pretty convincing masks. I'm not fond of needles myself (though I donate blood fairly regularly), and I also cringe at the thought of a needle going all the way into the bone.

Yeah, that's one of the big downsides of being a celebrity. You work so hard for something for so long, and all that time and work ends up a big waste. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 28, 2013 11:18 pm (Chapter 6: The Big Test)

Yes, laughter is the best medicine.. :)

And these lines here: JC said, “If they’d tried that on me, I would be out the door before they came anywhere near me with that thing. In fact, forget the door; I’d just go straight through the window!” LMAO! I can just imagine..

Though the tests sound scary, but I'm gonna read the next chapter, to find out what happens next..

Author's Response: That's just the sort of thing JC would do, I imagine, especially considering how he once reacted to an ear thermometer! 

creativechaos (Signed) on Jul 24, 2013 03:10 am (Chapter 6: The Big Test)
I know it's coming, and boy does it hit close to home with me. Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Sure hits close to home with me, too, as you can imagine. Thanks for reading!

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