Comments For Fading Sun
Pumples (Signed) on Aug 03, 2014 04:19 am (Chapter 12: The Struggle)

I wondered how long it would take for the dam to burst. He's done so well keeping it together.

I'm surprised at Chris and JC, but then it can be surprising who can and can't handle being around someone with cancer. I bumped into an old friend of mine when mum was ill, and when I told her what had happened she chastised me for bringing down her dayand said that I'd "really upset her." I'd forgotten that with some people it's all about them. It was a real wake up call. 

Author's Response:

Everyone's got that vulnerable side, and it's never unmanly to cry. If this were me, I'd probably drown the entire hospital and half the city in my tears.

I wouldn't judge Chris and JC too harshly. It's very hard to see someone you care about go through something so bad, and knowing you can't really do anything about it makes it harder. You feel that desperate urge to do something, anything, but there's nothing. Plus, there's that "survivor's guilt," in a manner of speaking; they don't have cancer and Joey does, so how are they supposed to feel about that? We never know how we will act in a situation until it becomes our situation. Even when my mom's treatments were well underway, I could barely tolerate the word "cancer," and I didn't even want to think about the possibility of her not recovering. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 08, 2013 01:38 pm (Chapter 12: The Struggle)

Wow..thats a pretty good quote! Very true though, you hold up all those emotions inside, and one day, you just have to let it out. And I think who the unexpected visitor is, hmm..I'm gonna have to read the next chapter to find out.. :)

Oh..and P.S I never knew you had DevianArt, I have one too! Though I only made two drawings of the Powerpuff Girls and other things..lolz I don't go there much, but if you wanna have a look at them, the acct is under the same username..I did find you, but didn't know how to add you..

Author's Response: I seldom cry myself, but sometimes even I reach a point where I just can't help it. Yes, I have a DA page, and I go there fairly often.

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