Comments For Fading Sun
Pumples (Signed) on Aug 02, 2014 10:28 am (Chapter 4: Bad News)

I hope your mom is still doing well. Poor Joey (I'm saying this a lot!) I've been there to witness family members receiving upsetting medical news, but I am certain that the feeling pales in significance to actually being the patient. I can't even imagine... 

Author's Response:

Yeah, she is. She's passed that five-year mark, so I feel a little more reassured, but I still get jumpy now and then.

I couldn't say which is worse: being sick yourself or having someone you know and love being sick. I guess both situations are bad in their own way. 

Pumples (Signed) on Aug 02, 2014 10:23 am (Chapter 3: The Appointment)

Um, Chris... orange juice and coke? Really?!

Loved the coffee description, and you've totally nailed the hideous feeling of being in a hospital waiting room. After waiting two weeks for the results, me and my family had to wait three hours to be told my mum had cancer. It was brutal. Sad to read dear Joey going through the same. I already hope this story has a happy ending, but that would be giving too much away, right? ;) 

Author's Response:

Coke mixed with OJ has become a little joke of mine. I don't drink it myself, but I sometimes like to show a character drinking it. (Everyone who reads my stuff finds that disgusting.) I don't drink coffee either, but I did some "research" to get the idea of what bad coffee tastes like. And I don't like waiting, either; I get antsy after just twenty minutes. If I don't have my Zune or something to do, I go nuts. 

Um, yeah, I'm afraid that would fall under the category of "Super Spoilers." I already know how it will end, but that's for me to know and you to eventually find out. I'm feeling pretty confident about finishing this story. It may take a while, but I have the basic plot figured out, so mostly it's a matter of figuring out the details. 

Pumples (Signed) on Aug 02, 2014 09:49 am (Chapter 1: Idle Days)
Poor Joey. This isn't sounding good for him. Glad he's got his brothers around for support. Not to mention poor JC. I swear every fiction I've read describes his love of sleeping! He's never gonna get away from that. LOL

Author's Response:

And Chris is never gonna get away from the fact that he's the oldest. :P

Just you wait until you get further into the story. Things go downhill in a hurry. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 24, 2014 11:15 pm (Chapter 19: Bleak Prospects)

I KNOW! And I quote: "Coming July 24th 2001, JUMBO POP" :D 13 years

Now, back to THIS.. I am sad, :( Joey didn't handle the news very well about Sheri, but I think thats the best idea for her to recieve hospice at her house, instead of the hospitals, hospitals are scary..sure they sometimes save people, its just the smell of medicine, beeping sounds, and needles.. *shudders*

Thanks for updating more.. :) Hope everything is going well with you.. *hugs*

Author's Response:

I listened to the whole album, including "That Girl (Will Never Be Mine)" and "Falling." It's become a little personal tradition. ;) It's hard to believe it's been 13 years already (and a year since I started this story). I can listen to songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s with no problem, but when I listen to stuff from the 90s and early 2000s, that's when I feel strangely old. I don't know why, but the feeling's there.

You can bet your bottom dollar the news hit Joey hard. He only knew Sheri for a short time, but he's already grown to care for her very much, and right now, she understands him better than the other guys. I was going to include them in this chapter, but decided to save them for the next. Their behavior will (hopefully) start to make more sense as the story goes on. 

I used to be turned off to the idea of hospice myself, but now I understand and appreciate it much better. 

I'm doing well, thanks. My nephew's been born (just the day after my birthday) and my aunt is done with her treatment and doing just fine. Let's hope it lasts. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Jun 01, 2014 02:28 pm (Chapter 18: Bittersweet Reunion)

Sheri's dying?? :( *tear No..that can't be. WHY?! There has to be hope..


On a lighter note, these lines here: We just came to pay Sheri a little visit,” said Joey. “She’s a friend of ours. Kind of.”

Sheri explained, “This is Lance and Joey, Mom, from ‘N Sync.”

The woman’s eyes widened. “The ‘N Sync?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lance said with a smile.

Yes the *NSYNC.. :)

Now, I'm so sorry that your mom's sister in law has breast cancer, I don't even know what else to say, I know that you are probably going through a tough time.. :( but it looks like the doctors caught it early, and I hope there's a silver lining.. :)

And congrats on your second nephew, awws! :D I]m gonna have to remember your bday, cause my sister graduates from HS a day before..OMG! She's a senior now.. O_O Its been about six years since I graduated HS and college, and all that fun stuff..lolz

And my little brother is going to be in 3rd grade...time FLIES! I feel so OLD! LOL ok enough about me yapping away..teehee :P

Anyways this was a good chapter, I liked it, I want carrot cake cookies now, sounds yummy.. :D

Thanks for the update.. :)

Author's Response:

Yeah, sadly, Sheri is terminal. If you remember, she told Joey that the jury was out about her future, and now they know for an absolute fact. Just wait until you read about the other guys' reactions.

It's a downer how often cancer strikes, especially when it involves your own family and friends, but at least my aunt stands as much a chance as anyone. Her own mom had breast cancer (and recovered), so that explains it. Makes me wonder if I might get cancer myself one day. I knew a woman who died from ovarian cancer, so it's also disheartening to think of how many people can and do die from it. 

I graduated from high school in 2006, and I still feel like I should be going there even though I've been in college for almost six years now. I bet I'll feel that way when I'm done with college, too. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Oct 12, 2013 10:45 pm (Chapter 17: A Familiar Face)

Is it Sheri?? :D I hope it is!

I'm glad that Joey is taking things light, and not pushing himself too hard. Its nice that he and Lance are taking a nice stroll together. :)

Now, on to *NSYNC that reunited at the VMAS..I was SO happy! I was literally glued to the screen, and then JC did that note, and when Chris's trap door didn't go down..HAHAHAHAH! Poor Chris.

*happy sigh* That was a great moment for us fans..yes indeed.

And I'm looking forward for the wedding too, pics for all us.. *squee*

Author's Response:

You'll see for yourself in the next chapter, which I'm working on right now.

I'm a bit bummed out that their reunion was so short, but at least we got to see them; you know you're a devoted fan when you gladly wait 10+ years to watch the old gang for 2 minutes. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Oct 12, 2013 09:58 pm (Chapter 16: Homecoming)

Thank you for reminding me of this story! I'm sorry I haven't gotten around it sooner, I'm gonna be honest though, I did forget about that you updated the chapters.. :( And been busy with work and everything.

But anyway, now I'm here! yay! Ok, um a nice hearty soup sounds so yummy right now, I'm so glad Joey is finally home..*happy sigh* And why is JC so tight lipped, he should be glad that Joey is home, I remember in the previous chapter, he was kinda upset about things, but now why is he ugh! lolz

And the moment between Joey and Chris, its so bittersweet, I know for a fact that Chris is a tough bird, but he can also be a softie..its what makes him so likeable. :)

*reads next chapter

*Note its been YEARS since I have watched Edward Scissorhands.

Author's Response:

I never force anyone to review, but I thought you'd like to know, since you've left me a lot of reviews for past chapters and I can sense your overall enthusiasm for this story. Whoo boy, don't I know the feeling; school's keeping me on my toes, too.

That's what I love about soup. It's warm, easy on the stomach, and it can be absolutely scrumptious when prepared just right. 

There is a reason (several reasons) why JC and the other guys are acting the way they are, and I promise their behavior will make more sense in future chapters. (Besides, if I told you now, that would take the fun out of reading the rest of this thing later, wouldn't it?) All the guys have their sentimental moments, I'm sure, and man, I learned to never watch "Edward Scissorhands" when you're in a blue mood. 

Sam (Anonymous) on Sep 24, 2013 05:22 pm (Chapter 17: A Familiar Face)
I just found this story and I love it. As someone who has had a family member who had cancer it hits home. Not only the emotions that Joey is feeling, but also the emotions that the rest of the guys are having. I am glad that Lance is there for Joey. He defentally needs a friend to lean on. Your doing a great job writing it and I cant wait to see where you take it from here.

Author's Response: I've gained an ENORMOUS amount of sympathy for those who face cancer. (Not that I didn't feel for such people before, but you know.) Even though I hope this kind of story stays purely fiction, I know it's all too common in the real world. I know cancer isn't the automatic death sentence it used to be, but people still die from it. Thank you for taking the time to read and review, mate.

MauveAvenger (Anonymous) on Sep 19, 2013 09:19 pm (Chapter 17: A Familiar Face)
Phew. Read all this at one time and I LOVED it. Poor Joey. But, this had enough feel good moments for me.  :)

Author's Response: What a visual workout! (Ha, ha.) Seriously, I'm glad you're enjoying this, and thank you for taking the time to read it. As much fun as I'm having with this, I sincerely hope none of the guys ever have to deal with something like this for real.

creativechaos (Signed) on Sep 01, 2013 03:18 am (Chapter 17: A Familiar Face)

You updated a lot since the last time I was around to read, wow, finally time to catch up...

I'm addicted to this story right now because my mom currently has cancer. Hard to read, but at the same time, I can relate and get into the story. Love how Lance helped Joey shave his hair off when he really needed it. I hope that Chris and JC and Justin start dealing better with all of it, because right now, they're really being jerks...

Can't wait until you update again! 

Author's Response: Thank you so much, and I'm so sorry about your mom. I've been there and done that, as you know, so I can totally empathize. I hope everything will work out okay.

Alysen Blaine (Signed) on Aug 14, 2013 06:26 am (Chapter 16: Homecoming)
Outstanding as always. 

Author's Response: Thank you, as always.

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 12, 2013 10:18 pm (Chapter 15: Temporary Truce)

Awww.. :( That is so heartbreaking, I'm sorry you had to go through that with your mom, I'm glad that everything was able to be solved.

Now on to the chapter, Joey likes her, he's crushing on her, thats so cute.. :)

These lines here: “You know how most of the time, he’s the one to dish out orders. But the way you stood up to him…” Lance shook his head, his handsome visage giving off hints of admiration and amusement. “I never saw anything like it. For once, he got a taste of his own medicine—and you did it in five minutes flat.”

Thats right! I bet you JC wasn't expecting that at all..

This is a good chapter, thanks for the update..

Author's Response:

Yes, Joey likes her, but I mentioned earlier that this will not be a romantic story. As for JC, I'm sure he isn't that bossy, but that's the fun of fan fiction; you can make anything happen.

Alysen Blaine (Signed) on Aug 12, 2013 01:40 pm (Chapter 15: Temporary Truce)

Awesome. Love this story!! Love the way you write and are so expressive with the character's emotions.

Alysen B. 

Author's Response: Thank you. This is what I love to write, and I've had loads of practice. A few writing classes didn't hurt, either.

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 09, 2013 09:56 pm (Chapter 14: Reaching Out)

She is going home right?? She's not gonna "go" like know..not yet! :( I hope not, not yet.

I liked how Joey and Sheri had their small talk in the room, and he managed to get into her room, and its sad that her friends are so far away from her though.

I hope JC and the guys would realize what a nice girl she is before its too late and they would feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

Author's Response: I got a bit emotional writing this, believe it or not. In some ways, I can totally relate to Sheri.

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 08, 2013 01:54 pm (Chapter 13: Cool Receptions)

Oh man, I honestly would feel awful if JC would talk to me like that, if people yell at me and make me feel small, I would cry as soon as I walk out the door, cause if its someone that I have looked up to for so many years and then he just starts talking like that, I would feel really bad.. :(

I hope Joey would be able to find Sheri and talk to her, she seems like such a nice girl, and JC needs a time out.. hmph.

Good job though..thanks for the update..

Author's Response: It's true that you shouldn't drop in on someone at the hospital at any time, especially if you're not related. But JC definitely overreacted. Guess the stress of the last few weeks is catching up with him, too.

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