Comments For Fading Sun
theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 20, 2013 02:12 pm (Chapter 3: The Appointment)

These lines here: "“If a lie showed up as plain as the nose on your face, Joey, you’d give Pinocchio a run for his money.”  LOL And another line that Chris said, "Chris took a drink, and almost spat it back into the cup. “Blecch! This coffee’s terrible! It’s like melted crayons from the inside of an old rubber tire.”  HA!

Though waiting in the waiting room is nerve-racking..

I wanna know what the doctor says! *reads next chapter*

Author's Response: Always like to weave in those bits of humor where necessary. As I said, I prefer stories that have funny AND serious moments.

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 20, 2013 02:03 pm (Chapter 2: Telltale Signs)

I agree, we need more Joey stories, and Chris too.. :D Though, I hope Joey is not getting something serious, but I HAVE to find out in the next off I go!

*scurries to next chapter*

Author's Response: If I do this well with my fan fiction works, I wonder what people will have to say about my original works.

creativechaos (Signed) on Jul 17, 2013 02:52 am (Chapter 2: Telltale Signs)

Oh, Joey. :(

We're so happy that you've joined us, and decided to get back to writing. I personally took a break that was almost 10 years long, and I echo the gratifying feeling. Something was missing those 10 years.

Keep going! I look forward to your next update! 

Author's Response: I'm glad to be part of this site, and I'm glad to FINALLY have an *NSYNC story out there for other people to actually read and respond to.

theusagirl (Signed) on Jul 15, 2013 10:17 pm (Chapter 1: Idle Days)

Well, this looks rather interesting, poor Joey, I hope he's okay, I like how all the guys are all concerned about him and that he's sleeping an awful lot. And gotta love Chris and his light humor.

I would like to know what happens next though, seems like a good story.. :)

I like stories that involve friendship and things..

Author's Response: Even though this is a work of fiction, I try to keep the guys in character. Chris still amuses me to this very day; it's good to know some things never change.

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jul 15, 2013 10:10 pm (Chapter 1: Idle Days)
Oh wow. Can't wait to where this goes. Love that it's a Joey story too.Great job!!

Author's Response: We need more Joey stories, and I'm happy to help where I can.

creativechaos (Signed) on Jul 15, 2013 08:41 pm (Chapter 1: Idle Days)
I think I might know where this one is going. You've got me HOOKED already!

Author's Response: I'm very pleased to hear that. Hopefully the rest of the story won't disappoint.

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