theusagirl (Signed) on Oct 15, 2013 08:00 pm (Chapter 13)

So glad that Addie is out of Mississippi, and looks like she and Lance are taking a break off of eachother, I mean, I would be smothered if I had to be in Mississippi and be away from my friends and all my usual stuff, but it looks like since Addie is back in Orlando, she is also getting kind of stressed.

And JC really looks that bad?? :( Damn, I'm beginning to get a soft on him again, was that supposed to be a bad thing?? And it looks like Addie is slowly wanting to forgive him, and what is that skank he's dating?? What is he rebounding??

Hmm..maybe Addie needs time to think things through.

Good chapter, looking forward for more..

Author's Response: Thanks for reading!!

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Oct 15, 2013 07:53 pm (Chapter 13)
Back to Orlando. Why do i feel like this means more tourble for Addie? Can't wait to read more. 

Author's Response: More to come soon :) 

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