Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Nov 05, 2013 07:44 pm (Chapter 14)
I don't know why I didn't expect this. Unfortunately in situations like this, the person being abused will more than likely return to their abuser before finally reaching a breaking point. I just hope that Addie reaches that breaing point soon. 

theusagirl (Signed) on Nov 04, 2013 08:53 pm (Chapter 14)


Ok ok um these lines here: "

“He,” I told him. “He deserves it.”

“We’re having a boy?!” JC’s eyes widened and he chuckled softly.

“Yeah,” I nodded and smiled at him. “We’re having a boy.”

A BOY?! AHH! Little JC! *squee* I kinda had a moment.. :D

But I DO hope he has changed, because I like how concerned and gentle he was with her now, and they romped multiple times of course, and Jenn and Brooke caught them in action, well..literally.

Addie wanted him, and it looks like JC wanted her..lets hope it stays that way, and nothing horrible happens.

Nice job..and thanks for the update.

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