Comments For Isolated
theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 22, 2013 02:14 pm (Chapter 1: First Discoveries)

Tricky and Curly survived!..oh man..I though Justin was a goner.. :( But so glad that Chris rescued him...the moment where Chris was carrying Justin on the arms was just sad. *grabs Kleenex tissues* now WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?! I hope they are okay. They are okay right?? I must know!

And yes! *NSYNC FTW! They have to be there, because if Justin is recieving that MJ Vanguard award, the other guys have to be there too, they are also part of the VMAS, its not only Justin now hmph..lolz

Oh and you saw JC's new interview(well last week?) doesn't he look so amazingly awesomely hot? *swoons* It was called "Last Questions with JC Chasez." just so you know. *giggles*

Author's Response: Don't you worry. I've never yet killed off any of the guys in my stories, and I don't intend to start now. How okay they are, on the other hand, is for me to know and you to find out!

Alysen Blaine (Signed) on Aug 21, 2013 05:07 pm (Chapter 1: First Discoveries)

Love it. And I just watched that commercial for kicks and giggles!

Alysen B. 

Author's Response: Thank goodness for YouTube, and I have both commercials saved to my laptop, so I can watch them whenever I want, as many times as I want.

theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 17, 2013 10:40 pm (Prologue)
Ooooh! this totally grabbed my attention..I would like to read more of it, is it kind of like my "Stranded" story?? Though mines was just simple and probably needed some tweaking..lolz but may have something here.. :D

Author's Response: Yeah, I'll admit you partly inspired me, but I've already been harboring this idea for ages anyway. Let's just say you helped add the oil to the rusty gears. I promise my story will be a far cry from yours; for one thing, it will be more dramatic.

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