Comments For Healing Wounds.
alee_92 (Signed) on Jun 04, 2014 09:02 am (In New York)
I'm so excited that we got an update. I really like this story and can't wait to see where you take it. Keep up the awesome work! Oh yeah, Rachel is starting to irk me more and more lol.

Author's Response: Rachel is a bother to me too even though I'm writing it. Haha :)

Tiffany (Anonymous) on Jun 03, 2014 10:50 am (In New York)
YAY an update. I like the peacefulness between the two.They both like each other. Melanie is slow to express it because of what happen to her. But i think she really like Justin . Justin likes Melanie but he feels almost like he can't because he has Rachel all in his business. Rachel need to realize that it is not who she loves, thinks is perfect for him, or who his mama love its about who justin loves and wants a relationship with. She need to concern her self with the fall out when justin learns about her and trace and he will find out. But who knows maybe he already knows and is just not interfering with their budding relationship. He is just letting them work it out and not saying anything. I sometime question if Rachel actually like Melanie or is she jsut tolerating her because of Johnny and Justin giving her this job. great update.

Author's Response: I totally agree Rachel is a bit of a bother, but maybe she really means well, but who knows with Rachel. Thanks for reviewing :)

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