Comments For Lose Myself...
theusagirl (Signed) on Mar 01, 2014 10:47 pm (VII.)
screams* *then gets bundles of Kleenex tissues*

OMG! I am SO freakin happy! I'm crying happy tears!

Can JC be my husband?? *happy sigh*

These lines here: "I can't believe you want to marry me," I said.

"Well believe it. You get to have all of this every night," he smiled. I chuckled, and hugged him tightly.

That is beautiful.. :) What a great ending! They've been through so freakin much together..I really enjoyed this story lots!

I hope when I wake up tomorrow I'll see rose petals in my room and JC standing in the living room with a goofy grin on his face..NOT..LOL but hey one can dream.. :P

Author's Response:

As always, thanks for your entertaining reviews.

I felt so much remorse after posting it, because I had the feeling that I may have rushed it...but at the same time I didn't want to drag it on and lose essence. I don't know....I guess it's too late now.

Ashley Loves JC (Signed) on Mar 01, 2014 03:28 pm (VII.)
Oh my God! Finally! This was perfect! Now, you know you have to make a sequel about their wedding!, right?!

Author's Response:

Thanks for your support, it's appreciate it.


And....well, you never know. =] 

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