Comments For The Safest Place
WannaSpaceRideJC (Signed) on Mar 15, 2014 11:35 pm (Chapter 5 - Changes)

God I thought I wanted to hug Chris before! Now he's breaking my damn heart!

 I'm a little mad at Mel for not trying to at least call someone, but I understand the paralizing fear she must be in.

 Joey needs to get slapped, he should not be gawking so openly at the nrw choreographer, he's a married man!

 Speaking of, is Justin married in this, or are we ignoring Jessica? (like he should do IRL... oops I didn't say that) 

Author's Response:

Hahaha! Justin is not married in this. Unless my plan changes part of the way through (it's happened before), Jessica won't even be in this. And no one has to worry about Joey...he can look, but I have my doubts that Justin will let him touch. (Oooooh, foreshadowing?)

And everyone will start figuring out the little mysteries soon. (Why Addy and Lance are having problems, what's happened with Mel, what's in store for her future, etc.) 

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