Comments For The Safest Place
Lyndsi (Anonymous) on Dec 05, 2014 06:20 am (Chapter 25 - Mila Out)
I'm all for killing Mila if she doesnt leave ASAP!!! Haha. I have two thoughts about what may happen: Addie and Steph either hurt the plan that Eric and Mel have come up with to help or Addie and Steph help Eric get Mel out and back to Chris. I am probably completely wrong. Such a great story I just hope nothing happens to Addie while she is pregnant. So happy to see an update!! Keep it up!

AceofSpades (Signed) on Dec 04, 2014 10:42 pm (Chapter 25 - Mila Out)
I can sum this whole chapter up in 5 words:
Addy and hormones don't mix.

Great chapter.

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