Comments For The Safest Place
AceofSpades (Signed) on Apr 29, 2015 09:42 am (Chapter 30 - I'm Movin' On)
Yes, Eric, take her back to Chris!

Pumples (Signed) on Apr 29, 2015 04:12 am (Chapter 30 - I'm Movin' On)

Hurray! Yayyyy!

Have to say, this part, '“I'm sold,” Chris said, leaning in and kissing her softly “Come on. Your old man turns into a pumpkin around ten-thirty.”

“I thought it was midnight?” she asked, climbing onto the motorcycle behind him as he started it up.

“That was ten years ago. You missed that window of opportunity.”

“In other words, it went bye bye bye.”' Hilarious.

I'm so glad it looks like Mel is soon to be free. I hope it all works out and she manages to escape and move forward from what's happened to her. I hope Derek is bought to justice at long last.

Can't wait for the next one!


Lyndsi (Anonymous) on Apr 28, 2015 10:45 pm (Chapter 30 - I'm Movin' On)
I love updates!! I love this story and Mel just breaks my heart in this story. I cant wait to read the next chapter to see where the story is headed. Why do I feel like there are a few more twists and turns coming?? Thanks for the update!

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