Kikilein (Signed) on Dec 04, 2020 10:08 pm (Epilogue )

I just binged this while story in about two days. Very well done. The epilogue had me nearly in tears, is it still too late to still be hoping for that inspiration that will cause a comeback? 😭

Kikilein (Signed) on Dec 02, 2020 10:06 pm (Epilogue )

I just binged this while story in about two days. Very well done. The epilogue had me nearly in tears, is it still too late to still be hoping for that inspiration that will cause a comeback? 😭

Kikilein (Signed) on Dec 01, 2020 11:28 pm (Epilogue )

I just binged this while story in about two days. Very well done. The epilogue had me nearly in tears, is it still too late to still be hoping for that inspiration that will cause a comeback? 😭

Author's Response:

I wish!! Wouldn't that be a dream come true?? I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, thank you for leaving a review! 

KrisB (Signed) on Sep 13, 2015 09:42 am (Epilogue )
Loved this story!!!

Author's Response: You got through this story like a flash! Thank you so much for all your imput and taking the time to review. :D

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Jun 17, 2015 03:58 pm (Epilogue )
Awwww, that was a cute ending. I loved it.

Author's Response: :D Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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