theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 23, 2015 10:44 pm (Chapter 7: Dismal Date)


These lines here:  

“Whoa, hey, pal,” said Landon, taking a step forward, “take a Chill Pill. It ain’t like she’s married to you or nothing. You got no more claims to her than any other dude—”

“Shut your mouth, Scruffy.”


But I SO knew that Allie has been screwing around behind Chris's back all along, pssh, with Scruffy..

*reads next chapter* 

Author's Response: I still wanted to use that guy from the theater, who knocked Jamie down and only left her with an insult. So I made him the guy that Allie turned to when Chris couldn't be there, and as you can tell, he's a hard guy to get along with and he can get just as whiny as her when things don't go his way. Don't want to give too much away, but let's just say we haven't seen the last of our buddy Scruffy.

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