Angel Jones (Anonymous) on Dec 28, 2014 02:22 am (Chapter 10)
About time Justin has told Maggie how he feels. So surprised at her reaction though. Thought she might run off or something. UGHHHHHHHHH!!!! I want his father to just go away. Justin is the perfect guardian for Tyler. He can give him the love that he needs unlike Justin's dad. I hope Justin doesn't give in. His ass better fight for Tyler until he can't no more. PLEASEEEEE update soon. 

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 26, 2014 12:30 am (Chapter 10)
NO FREAKING WAY can that mother effer get custody of Ty!! There isn't even a word harsh enough to describe Benjamin. It's clear as day why Justin refers to him as Benjamin. That man is not a father in any way. Threatening his son like take away the career his son deep down didnt even want in the first place but did it to appease Ben. Because he knew that man wouldn't accept anything less. That...ugh!! Justin really needs to turn that psuedo confidence into the real thing. If ever a time to do so it's now. He needs someone to truly believe in him and what he can do. Fay obviously does, but he needs someone else as well. Maggie of course. And I know she does. He needs someone else in his corner. The only reason Benjamin is trying to say Tyler would do better with him is cause Justin being partner. Well what if he decides not to become partner and quit being a lawyer? There are some things more important. Like family and having a career that truly makes you happy. And anyway justin bought that house with his money! And he is smart and capable of having a different career and making a wonderful living for himself and Tyler in his own beautiful home he's been in for years. Like Benjamin owns the world. He needs to be out in his place, and I think Justin needs to be the one to do it. Ugh. Upsetting Fay...that heartless prick. Ok I'm done now. Got me all riled up. Lol on a good note, Justin's complete confession...swoon. Swoon swoon swoooooon. Be still my heart. Lol he's just so sweet and unsure but he's sure of his own feelings and he just cares about Maggie so much, ugh...update soon! :o)

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Dec 24, 2014 04:06 pm (Chapter 10)
Awwww, after a kiss like that, why can't things just run smoothly? Haha. Great chapter

Hollie (Signed) on Dec 24, 2014 10:11 am (Chapter 10)
Please tell me that at some point in this story Daddy Timberlake is going to get bitch slapped. He thoroughly deserves it.

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