Hollie (Signed) on Feb 23, 2015 04:18 pm (Chapter 18)
You are friggin' killing me, woman.

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Feb 22, 2015 04:22 pm (Chapter 17)
Ok! I'm caught up! But, damn that ending! I'm so glad there's still more to this. I can't wait for the next chapter. I need it now!

Hollie (Signed) on Feb 20, 2015 02:43 pm (Chapter 15)
Oh, Justin. You poor fucked up boy...

Angel Jones (Anonymous) on Feb 07, 2015 01:21 am (Chapter 13)
Justin needs to get his shit together. He needs to fight for Tyler before he loses him completely. I think they should take Fay off the ventilator too, but of course I understand Justin's point of view. OMGGGGGGG!!! He proposed to Maggie. Can't wait to see her response.

Hollie (Signed) on Feb 02, 2015 12:14 pm (Chapter 13)
What do you mean terrible?! This is bloody brilliant, it's February and my Christmas pressent is still being served up at a steady rate! :o) Honestly, woman, I have no idea why you're so hard on yourself. You shouldn't because once again this raaaaaaawks. You haz mad talent, FYI.

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Feb 01, 2015 08:48 pm (Chapter 13)
oh. my. God.....COURT....You can't just leave me here with this..the whole damn story like this. I hate you. (Not really..but ya know)

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jan 18, 2015 10:27 pm (Chapter 12)
Oh Court, I love this story. And Justin in the kitchen..sighs. You always pull at the heartstrings with every story you write and this one certainly is like that.

Angel Jones (Anonymous) on Jan 18, 2015 05:38 am (Chapter 12)
Glad to see that even though Fay has to communicate with a computer, she's still her self. I think it's great Justin wants to open a restaurant. I think it will make him happier than making partner at the law firm. Plus, this benefits him taking care of Tyler if he fights for custody. I really hope his dad isn't able to get Tyler because he is going to try to turn him into something he's not. So glad Maggie decided to partner with him. Can't wait until the next chapter.

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Jan 15, 2015 02:44 pm (Chapter 12)
Thought I reviewed this already. GREAT chapter. Justin and Fay just about broke my heart, but I love how she still has her sense of humor. That sibling bond really translates well through the page. I'm not just reading it, but I'm seeing it. Great chapter.

MochaB (Signed) on Jan 13, 2015 07:55 pm (Chapter 12)
I absolutely love this story. It feels very real. The dialogue and interactions between Justin and Fay are hard to read in a way because I can just see it and hear it, but I really love it because its realistic. I personally don't know anybody with ALS but I know its not a peice of cake for the person with it or their family. So I love how you've written about it. I feel so bad for Tyler. He's Having to go through this at such a young age, but it would be worse if he went to boarding school and Benjamin took over his life and made him this robot. I'm glad he has Justin. I'm so glad Justin has Maggie. I'm glad they have each other. I'm happy Justin has somebody in his corner pushing him and believing in him, and I love that Fay really likes her. Yay for Justin deciding to do what he loves in life!! I'm sure Benjamin won't like it and he'll try his best intimidation tactics, but who cares what he does and doesn't like. He wouldn't be happy with Justin either way, with any choice he makes, so why continue to let him rule your life Justin? I hope Justin sticks it to him and I know Maggie, his partner in every way, will be right behind him. Interesting about his Mom though and how it is starting to feel different between her and Justin. Can't wait to read more!

Hollie (Signed) on Jan 13, 2015 01:40 pm (Chapter 12)
I still don't trust Benjamin. That is all.

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jan 07, 2015 10:58 pm (Chapter 11)
Okay I didn't see this coming..but I want more. Great job on this Court. For serious!!! And this...
I swear to God, one of these years I’m going to be having Christmas with the reincarnation of Michael Jackson. bwahahaha I can't..

Hollie (Signed) on Jan 05, 2015 01:14 pm (Chapter 11)
That was so cute and sexy and funny and heartbreaking all in one chapter, damn you.

Nikki (Anonymous) on Jan 05, 2015 09:11 am (Chapter 1)
Another awesome update.

AceofSpades (Anonymous) on Jan 04, 2015 11:09 pm (Chapter 11)
Yay, an update! But, that was so sad. Poor Justin. My favorite chapter of them all, nevertheless.

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