Comments For If I'm Not The One
Unicornmaiden13 (Signed) on Jul 27, 2015 11:17 pm (Chapter 1)
This caught my eye, and I thought I'd steal a peek or two. So far, so okay. I like your dialogue the best; it sounds like stuff real-live people would say. If you're interested, I've got a hospital story of my very own, called "Fading Sun." It features Joey because I felt we could use more Joey stories; goodness knows how many stories there are around here that feature Justin and JC. Not that it's a bad thing, but still...yeah.

Author's Response: Thank you! I enjoy writing dialogue and I believe in making the speech sound 'real'. Thank you also, for the recommendation.  I will have to check out your story.  I'm sure it's wonderful.  Joey is a fun person to write. I know in my stories he's a support character, but I feel like he's easy to capture. I hope you'll keep reading and keep enjoying my story.

theusagirl (Signed) on Jun 27, 2015 10:53 pm (Chapter 1)

*GASP* Hmm..why does he feel the urge to protect Cassandra...because he is her knight in shining armor! AWW! :D So JC was admitted at the hospital for dehydration and exhaustion just like Cassandra??

I laughed at these lines here though:  Hey guy.  I really miss you.”  He looked at the dark haired man solemnly.  “How much longer do you have to be stuck in this hell-hole?”

“Hopefully not much longer.  I can’t get them to take out this damned I.V.  They claim my blood work still indicates I haven’t been fully hydrated.  What a crock!” 


Would read/review more soon..I'm a bit behind on reviewing some stories, but I'm catching up! Looks good! :D 




Author's Response: So glad you're enjoying it.  Thank you for the kind words.  More is coming!  :)

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jun 20, 2015 12:18 pm (Chapter 1)
So far, your writing has never disappointed me. :) I hope you keep posting.

Author's Response: Thank you for the compliment.  I only hope you continue to enjoy these. :)

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