Comments For If I'm Not The One
theusagirl (Signed) on Aug 11, 2015 11:04 pm (Chapter 7)


THIS: YES JC TELL HER!  “You know, Cassandra.  I don’t know what kind of power this asshole has over you, but I can tell you it is going to stop right here and now!  You don’t honestly expect that I will take you back there and let you deal with this idiot on your own, do you?  Give me a break!  I walked out on you once tonight, I sure as hell am not going to do it a second time.”

Yeah Cassandra needs to back off from that JERK Thomas, he's a complete IDIOT UGH!!! HOW DARE HE?!

Ooh! I SO loved these lines here: “JC, don’t do this.  Let it go.”  She pleaded with him.  “No chance, honey!  This one’s going down!  I will not tolerate any man hitting on a woman.” “You aren’t man enough to stop me!”“Watch me!” WOOT! WOOT! :D

One creepy yet ignorant man fighting with an amazingly hot singer for a damsel in Thomas reminds me of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast..Thomas is the monster..I remember Belle goes to Gaston referring to the Beast "He's no monster Gaston, you are!" One of my fave movies.. :D

Anyways, great chapter! Would read more soon! 

Unicornmaiden13 (Signed) on Aug 09, 2015 10:23 pm (Chapter 7)

Ahh, now we see Thomas in his true colors. Few things are as sad as seeing a man shaming a woman, of a woman being horribly abused and feeling like there’s nothing she can do about it and no one to turn to. That’s harsh.

Thank heaven for someone like JC. Who knows where Cass would be by now had he not entered the picture? Sometimes a woman really does need a knight in shining armor. Sometimes you simply can’t do it alone, no matter how much you insist you can. Even the strongest people in the world need a shoulder to lean on every now and again.

I admire the way Cass tries to stand up to Thomas. But it still goes to my heart to see how he manages to maintain the upper hand. And with Suzie in the mix? Mmm-mmm, all I can say is the fat’s really getting in the fire now.

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