Comments For A Taste of Autumn
Puffitale (Signed) on Jan 25, 2016 03:26 pm (A Taste of Autumn)

Soooo sorry it's taken me this long to read & review. I thought there might have been a notification deally or something.

The story got on to a bit of a depressing start, but it turned up the moment Autumn arrived. Frankly, I would fall in love with her too if I stumbled across her one New Years Eve.

Love the bath scene. I wish I could write kisses as well as you do. (Though, you've got to tell me, did they go all the way? I need to know if they did.)

Anyway, this was a great read and I'm very greatful for this. Best. Christmas. Present. This. Year. Even better than the mystery box pony. Thanks, Puff.

DiamondDoss (Signed) on Jan 11, 2016 02:32 pm (A Taste of Autumn)
Great story Mack!

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